I tried CD on my 14 year old Rhodesian Ridgeback/Alsatian cross dog. He used to sleep all day, except for short walks, had not been able to go on 3 legs to have a pee for 3 years, was losing weight and was having minor fits on average every 7/8 days. Within 3 weeks he had stopped having fits, was back on 3 legs when he was peeing, he rarely sleeps much now through the day, his aura is much stronger, he is back to his optimum weight and is walking up to 2 miles at a time!
I put him on the protocol 6 and 6, once a day, and after 8 days, when there were many signs of improvement, I then changed onto the Maintenance protocol for his weight and he is still thriving now, 2 months after I started. Thank you Jim and Andreas.