Im 35, living in US. Healthy my whole life, great diet, no major health issues.had a minor stroke, went to emergency room in NYC, and they discovered a massage tumor in brain, which apparently had been growing for 15+ years, slow-growing an developed into a dangerous tumor. I had brain surgery October 17th 2019 to remove tumor. 90% was removed but there ar still stage 4 cancer cells in other parts of brain. It’s too risky at this point to only use holistic modalities because i dont want to give the stage 4 tumor cells (glioblastoma) that are ALREADY in brain a chance to get stronger and grow if I wait a few months with only holistic modalities, it might give the yumor cells a chance to damage brN OR FORM NEW TUMOR RAPIDLY. Although I would only do chemo and radiation as an absolute last resort, it has come down to that. I begin radiation and chemo November 25th. I am now curious about Howe i can intelligently use MMS in conjunction with rafiation and chemo. A few different issues:1. Doctors say not to have allot of antioxidants during radiation especially, aND CHEMO because it can interfere with them, and i dont want to cancel out the effects of radiation and chemo destroying cancer cells. 2 At the same time, I want to strengthen immune system and kill cancer cells.
Does anyone have experience using MMS during, or after radiation an chemo? Thanks for any info!!! My name on facebook is Ethan Sisser. My email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Thank you for any assistance!!!