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My Dog Diagnosed with Cancer, How to Dose MMS? 13 Jun 2019 15:57 #60720

  • leftydoespastel
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My 10 year old beagle was given abdominal ultrasound yesterday, large mass found in his bladder and urethra, which is why he has had trouble urinating, and having to urinate very frequently.
When I told my husband he said, "we'll just give him MMS, it eats up cancer, helps many other problems." I want to start this immediately but I've never used MMS, have it on hand thanks to my
husband who has known of it for some time. How do I administer MMS to my 26 lb beagle who is 10 years old? He eats well, drinks lots of water and doesn't act sick at this point. I thank all who reply
for your suggestions and guidance
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My Dog Diagnosed with Cancer, How to Dose MMS? 13 Jun 2019 22:33 #60721

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There is a 16 page section on animals in Jim Humble's latest book, MMS Health Recovery Guidebook.
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My Dog Diagnosed with Cancer, How to Dose MMS? 14 Jun 2019 07:54 #60724

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Besides what CLO2 suggested, you can put 4 drops of MMS per liter or quart of water he drinks and just let your dog's own stomach acid activate it. This is the easiest thing to do.
I'm Scott McRae, creator of "The Antidote" & CDH with CLO2's help (Charlotte Lackney)

- I did a CDH injection / Chlorine Dioxide (CLO2) injection / IV push of 10ml of dilute 50ppm CDH / CLO2 into my blood 3 times in 11 hours & did before & after blood tests that showed that it did NO HARM to my blood, liver or kidneys. This suggests the possibility that CDH / CLO2 is a potential LIFESAVING MRSA cure, VRE cure, CRE cure, AMR cure, Ebola cure, HIV cure, Cancer cure, etc., since it appears to be safe intravenously at 50ppm.

- Join our group on MiWi (was deleted off of Facebook): mewe.com/join/coronavirusebolasolutions
- Every ml of CDH contains 1 drop of MMS, so 1 drop of MMS = 1ml of CDH
- MMS is 7 to 10% activated in 30 seconds while CDH made with 4% HCl is about 50% activated in the bottle. This is why CDH is far less nauseating than MMS drops
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My Dog Diagnosed with Cancer, How to Dose MMS? 22 Jun 2019 17:08 #60754

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Add the mms/cdh to his drinking water (non metallic bowl). Make sure that he has no other water available. mms2 is also recommended for cancer treatment. Capsules embedded in butter are usually gulped rather than chewed. Reread the protocols for further directions.
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My Dog Diagnosed with Cancer, How to Dose MMS? 15 Jul 2019 03:17 #60870

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Update on the beagle - I have followed instructions in Chapter 15 on Animals from Jim Humble's book very closely. Have worked Jaspa through Starting Procedure, through Protocol 1000 and
1000+, he has now been on Protocol 2000+ (using DMSO in the MMS1 dose made fresh every hour for 8 hours daily) at maximum dosage for his weight (11 ml from Cup2) for 12 days. He appears
to tolerate this very well with no indications of Herxheimer reaction (no vomiting or diarrhea). The most reaction he has had was a little bit of loose stool on occasion which went away quickly.
The mass was found by ultrasound on his bladder, extending into urethra and prostate, so it is all internal and not palpable. I will be relying on subjective observations to chart how he's doing because I
won't be spending another $600 for a visit to dog internist and an ultrasound. Here's what I notice: his pee stream is stronger and less sporadic, he has less urgency in the house and fewer accidents, when
I started him on MMS1 protocol he was scratching vigorously at his lower back in the middle of the night and licking strenuously, that has stopped. Visiting a dog park at the time of diagnosis 5-6 dogs would crowd around him and stay sniffing his rear end private parts (dogs can smell cancer). After a few weeks on MMS protocol we returned to the dog park, and no dogs came over to investigate and stay sniffing his back end. He's interested in food at all times and chases lizards and rabbits in the yard. I'm encouraged by these subjective observations and intend to keep going....
My question is, how long do I keep him on the Protocol 2000+? Should I add anything else? He has now been on MMS1 for an entire month, Protocol 2000+ for 12 days. Where do I go from here? Or do
I just hold steady. I guess I could do better about spraying topically and rubbing in DMSO on his private parts. I've done some of this, but been lax on the topical application.
I mix up the MMS1 dose, add DMSO, syringe out the quantity for his weight on Protocol 2000 and then put a little bone broth in it and he laps it up every time.
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My Dog Diagnosed with Cancer, How to Dose MMS? 15 Jul 2019 07:09 #60871

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"Three Golden Rules for Animals

1. If the animal is improving on the dosage you are giving and/or what you are doing, do not change what you are doing—as long as you see improvement, keep it up.

2. The same rule applies for animals as for people: if at any time your animal seems to get sicker on MMS, reduce the dosage you are giving by 50%. Once the sickness passes and the animal is OK with the smaller dosage, you can try to slowly work back up, but be careful to not make the animal sicker.

3. If the animal is not getting better, nor getting worse on the dosage you are giving, after two or three days, go to the next higher protocol."

It would seem that rule #1 would apply. How long to continue? Good question. When you decide to stop dosing, instead you might reduce dosages and see what happens. If your dog relapses, then increase the dosages back to where you were when you reduced dosages.

It seems you have determined maximum dosages to stay just under any Herx reactions. It may take longer to arrive at a complete recovery.
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My Dog Diagnosed with Cancer, How to Dose MMS? 09 Sep 2019 17:26 #61304

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Hello, it is now 2 months later....I continue to dose Jaspa the beagle daily with activated MMS. Hourly protocol for 8 hours every day.
When I had him on max dose of 11 ml of Cup 2 (per the instructions in Chapter 15 "Animals" of MMS Health Recovery Guidebook) he reached a point after about 3 weeks at this max dose
when he had sever diarrhea and refused the MMS in bone broth for the first time. I stopped the MMS for a 2 day period while his body regulated and the diarrhea stopped, then I started the
MMS dose again at half what it was when the Herxheimer reaction hit and he refused more. This was tolerated well, and any increases started the diarrhea again, so I have stayed at this dose.
I believe his beagle body has told me what his max dose is! I am hanging in with the daily 8 hour protocol, of course I get weary sometimes and would rather be doing something else...but it is
the learning experience for me. I love my dog, and what if it were my family member diagnosed with a cancer? I am learning what to do to help any creature in my household and family.
Jaspa enjoys life, acts well, runs to the food bowl and seems to be pain free. His urination is still frequent, but his pee stream is stronger. Sometimes a little incontinence. As I stated before I won't
be returning to the vet to drop more hundreds of dollars into an ultrasound and his tumor is not visible being inside his body. I have to go by his demeanor and behaviors.
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My Dog Diagnosed with Cancer, How to Dose MMS? 26 Jul 2020 11:48 #65344

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Hi there, your information has been very helpful to me and my 10 year old husky girl, thank you for that! She has breast cancer and we are on protocol 1000+ but I'm stuck as I don't seem to understand how to make 2000 for her. I have Jim's book and the chart. I do understand starting procedure and protocol 1000 and 1000+ but 2000 its not cup 2 (7 activated drops in 4oz of water) anymore it is showing 2.5-6 d-MMS1. I have tryed to understand, go back and reread but I still don't seem to get it. I would be grateful if you could shred some light for me here.. Your doggy is small so nothing changed there you stayed on cup 2 all the way my doggy is 46kg.Hope I made sence. Thank you.

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