In December I tried MMS1 for about two weeks. In the beginning I took 1 drop each of sodium chlorite and HCL. It was hard to see if these two drops had reacted so I smelled the glass. I probably inhaled some fumes the first week. But I did not get any reactions in my lungs. At one time I probably did not get the right mixture and felt really sick for a day. Maybe it was too much Sodium Chlorite and too little HCL. My dripper where not really reliable. After I stopped the MMS protocol I started feeling drowsiness, and experiencing increasing brain fog. It feels like my IQ drops one point for every day. Do you know anything about the poisonous effects of NACL02 gas or getting to much NACL02 in the mixture?
The last week I´ve tried 100 % Pure gum spirits of Turpentine for 4 days and I consumed one dose 3 days ago. Yesterday I started feeling sick, drowsy, noxious, low blood preasure and even more brainfog. Don’t know what causes it but I sure feel worse than ever.