Hello everyone. I am a newbie. Started July 1, 2018. I have been battling Lyme disease for years. First bite 2007, no treatment, didn’t know what the bulls eye meant, 2nd bite 2013- this time the symptoms were off the chain, finally got tested and saw a specialist who put me on doxycycline for a month. After that I did my own research and treatment of herbs and vitamins. The fatigue and aching never went away so I just lived with it. Got bit yet again this June and 8 days later all the symptoms came crashing back. Went to doctor they gave doxycycline and I threw my guts up like I was poisoned. So I did more research and This time I found MMS. I started July 1-1 /1drop in distilled water every hour for 8 hours. Day 2 - 2/2drop every hour for 8 hours and day 3 I did 3/3 and this far every day since. My question is.
Can I activate 3/3 in a shot glass of distilled water drink that and chase with Distilled water or do I have to mix it and drink a half of wine glass of mixture. It’s easier for me to shoot a shot glass full then chase it. I can’t get past the taste in the wine glass. can anyone help me with this?? Thanks in advance. Mmbates.