Hello: I've been using mms and then cds for copd since 12/17. Since the first day of use my oxygen level started increasing, as well I could go outside, participate in any activity I want to
without being out of breathe. Lots of trial and error but would not trade the results for anything. Recently I've had some set backs for example I was judging how much cds I needed by
how many times I was using my rescue inhaler (the only medication for copd). I was using the same maintenance dose and continued with it because in fact I have not needed my inhaler
for several months on end. I started to get the sniffles which turned into the flu which turned into pneumonia. Hind sight would tell me I should have increased the dose immediately.
As a result I have been struggling to recover for the last month. I caved and got antibiotics from doctor, not knowing or finding the answer on here I used them both. I've getting however
I have a lot of stomach pain which I usually do not have. I'm hesitant to take antibiotics in the first place and am off of them now but still have lung pain, stomach pain and basically starting not
at square one but still a set back I did not anticipate. Bottom line is yes MMS has saved my life and will continue to do so as long as I pay very close attention to what my body is saying.
Also I started with MMS and in recent months have switched to CDS, I don't know how much difference this has made either. I could not find the answer to my question when I needed it which
is and was: Can I use antibotics and CDS at the same time? Whatever that answer is I do know that I'm getting better anyway. I also know that had I done the protocol for fast relief of infection
viral or bacterial as described by Andreas Kalcker from his website I may have avoided the worst of this. I'm back in the saddle however it has been eyeopening of how fast it happened that I
became so sick. I'm curious especially about the difference it makes also between MMS and CDS. Regardless I'm still here despite the bumps and having absolutely no one in person to talk to
about it. Of course any doctor input would result in them saying the antibiotics saved the day. Then again without MMS there would be no day to save but that is another story in itself, I'm
simply trying to stay alive and have a life beyond an oxygen tank and a couch. Good luck and hope some of this helps and any response from anyone would be helpful also. Thank you