New here……Need help. Not feeling very good so please forgive my writing.
Had nausea, vomiting and yellowing last fall/Sept. Had an MRI and before anything else had to go to emergency room. Had an operation for a bowel obstruction. Diagnosed with bile duct cancer.
Tried ground up bitter apricot seeds in jell caps (no teeth), but that seemed to swell internally and intensify nausea problems.
Went on to MMS..... WPS 28% Sodium Chlorite/Citric Acid. Been on MMS for about 4 months. My problem is I can only get 1 drop twice a day (one every 12 hrs). Anything else causes extreme nausea.
Upon further CT scans, according to the doctors, it appears the liver cancer has halted, but the spots on the intestines may have increased a little.
I am feeling the intestines and the pain and have to go onto morphine.
Is there a way to increase the MMS without any more nausea? Externally maybe?