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CDS Protocol - Cancer - 10 Jan 2018 05:34 #57249

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So, my mom who has been diagnosed with "cancer cells" on her spinal cord, feels lots of pain when walking on the upper side of her left and hips area, to the point that now she needs to walk with the help of crutches. She's been on the "CDS protocol" (1 ml per hour for 10 hours) for 6 days now, but not before following the 4 days "starting procedure" which is very recommended. Also she's been applying a mix of 2ml CDS + 1ml water + 1/2 tsp DMSO 3 times a day on the soles of her feet, legs, thighs and on her back lately + 1 feet bath a day of 15 activated MMS drops + 1/2 kilo of sea salt for 30 minutes.

Now, my question is, what's next? should she stays with the CDS protocol more time? (if yes, how long) or should she move on to another protocol? we bought the MMS2 with empty pills, but not sure when to use.

Another thing: DIET. Before starting all this stuff about MMS/CDS my mom ate a lot more, lots of fruits and greens which are antioxidants and most of this things are also high in vitamin C...I break my head thinking about what she can eat or not. Can she eat a plate full of greens and vegetables (high antioxidants) and then eat 2 hours later, for example she ends up eating at 4:40pm then take the other dose at 6:40pm? she always waits 2 hours to take her first CDS dose after breakfast, wait 1 hour to eat lunch after her last dose and wait 2 hours before her next dose but wait only 1 hour to take her dose after dinner...but can't she take snacks? what about snacks? how long she should wait to take her next dose...what about if she eats 1 pomegranate? which is very high in antioxidants,(which she's avoiding) or what about coffee (currently not drinking it) I hope you guys could help me with all this doubts, I try to do my best to help my mom.

As I know, eating a diet high in antioxidants which are vegetables and greens, etc is very recommended to people who suffer from cancers, to the point that even people have healed themselves by just eating a proper diet high in nutrients. I'm afraid that my mom is not feeding the way she should...I personally would like her to eat more and do it as she did before but with this treatment I've read that people need to avoid these in order to not interfere with the MMS/CDS treatment.

What do you guys recommend about all this? Thanks for reading me, suggestions and help is very well appreciated, really!

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CDS Protocol - Cancer - 10 Jan 2018 06:35 #57251

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Can you tell me which "CDS Protocol" your mom is following and where you found it? One milliliter per hour of 3000 ppm CDS is a very low dose of CLO2. It is about the same as a 1/2 drop dose of MMS1.

When you apply CDS topically, there is no need to dilute it with water. Use it full strength.

I suggest you get Jim Humble's latest book and follow the HRP (Health Recovery Plan). Your mom should be following Protocol 2000, the Douche Protocol, etc.

If you want to use CDS and follow protocols, here is a dosing chart.

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CDS Protocol - Cancer - 10 Jan 2018 08:13 #57252

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Hi, CLO2...thanks a lot for your reply, this is the kind of help and suggestion that I'm looking for. Actually the CDS protocol was recommended by a MMS trained person. She recommended to start with the CDS protocol (my mom started the "starting procedure" before she suggested it the CDS, but we went straight to CDS protocol 10ml/per hour) to prepare and clean the body to avoid a "healing crisis" such as nausea, diarrhea, etc...Since my mom started she hasn't experience any of this...the lady told me to stick on CDS until I run out of the product (CDS) it's a 133 ml which only last for a little more than 7 days.

I'd really love to read the book but I'm a young women working/studying plus taking care of my mom. I'll try to create the time to read the book, but as you know cancer don't stop and the most rational thing to do is acting fast and attack it as quickly as possible that's why I'm looking for quick recommendations and suggestion from people who know about the subject. I'm definite going to take a look to the HRP as you suggest.

I'd really really appreciate any help concerning the diet during these treatments, and what I mentioned about it. It would HELP A LOT. Thanks.

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CDS Protocol - Cancer - 10 Jan 2018 09:28 #57253

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Diet is covered in Jim's book. Basically, try to eat lightly such as snacks midway between doses. No big meals until 1 hour after the last dose of the day.

One milliliter of CDS per hour (10 ml/day) is not likely to do much for her cancer. She should be taking about 10 ml per hour. Of course, you slowly increase dosing such as 1 ml increase per hour each day until you notice any discomfort, then reduce a little and stay at the dosage. Follow the Three Golden Rules. (its in the book!)

When CDS dosing gets high, I doubt your mom will tolerate it because of mouth & throat irritation due to the high amount of CLO2. I presume you are using 3000 ppm CDS? At such low dosing as your mother is now using there is little chance of a "healing crisis." You can checkout this protocol on how to continue using CDS when dosing gets high.

When you run out of CDS do you plan on using MMS1 or CDH? Is the MMS activator you are using 50% citric acid or 4% HCL?

The reason to read the book is so you fully understand how to use MMS. Since this is a life-threatening situation I suggest that you make time to read the book.

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CDS Protocol - Cancer - 11 Jan 2018 01:05 #57259

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Yes, I'm using 3000 ppm CDS. We plan to start the MMS1 tomorrow, we also have MMS2 with empty pills apart. The activator is 4% HCL. My mom was advised to start the MMS+ACTIVATOR protocol 2000 tomorrow (by the lady who is assisting her) which is 1 drop of activated MMS per hour for 10 hours (But I'm sure you know that). What do you recommend? what you think about the MMS1 protocol my mom was recommended to start tomorrow?

Well, about diet, my mom starts her first dose at 12:30 pm and ends at 12:30 am.

Her diet schedule is:

10:30 AM
BREAKFAST (2 hour rest until dose)

(from 12:30pm to 3:30pm----DOSES (every hour)

4:30 PM

(2 hours rest, until next dose)

(from 6:30PM to 9:30PM----DOSES

10:30PM----DINNER (1 hour rest until next dose)

(from 11:30PM to 12:30AM---DOSES.

So as you can see, she can't wait until her last dose to eat a "proper meal".

Thanks, CLO2...really appreciate your help, it means a lot...about the book...do you know how can I buy one in SPANISH so my mom can read it since she doesn't speak English...or maybe I can buy it from Spain, if I find it online.

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CDS Protocol - Cancer - 11 Jan 2018 02:32 #57260

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As far as I know, the newest book has not been translated into Spanish, yet. But, I will ask. The English language book is available in ebook (PDF) and paper-back versions.

MMS (CLO2) is said to be effective for 1 hour in our bodies, so that is why dosing is for 8 to 10 consecutive hours. Missing an hourly dose is not a good idea and your schedule has three missing doses. The eating/dosing schedule you offered is not ideal. I am sure breakfast, lunch and dinner are substantial meals and may be a problem when ingesting MMS1.

You might get away with that if another method other than ingestion is also used. Since the patient is female, probably the best choice for taking the missing consecutive doses would be douching with CDS as per the link I previously sent. If you do that, then she can finish 10 hours of dosing sooner and be able to have dinner 1 hour after dose #10. Please consider only having her snack between doses with very small amounts of food. Of course, no coffee or any antioxidants, citrus fruit, etc.

Starting Protocol 2000 with 1 drop MMS1 doses is okay since she finished the Starting Procedure and did not follow Protocol 1000 or Protocol 1000 Plus, the normal progression as per the HRP. Be sure to use DMSO with MMS1 doses, but NOT with MMS2 doses. Read the serious warning in the book.

MMS2 dosing should start with very small amounts of granules in capsules and work up to the recommended dosage over a period of a few days. As usual, heed the Three Golden Rules.

MMS1 dosing should progress toward the maximum recommended by body weight which is between 8 to 12 drops/hour of MMS1 plus DMSO for ten consecutive hours. Be sure to add DMSO to each hourly dose and not to an all-day bottle, if you use one. Again, heed the Three Golden Rules.

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CDS Protocol - Cancer - 11 Jan 2018 06:00 #57266

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Oh my...so it looks we've been doing everything wrong with the doses. Every time you reply to me you end up shedding lots of light on my lack of knowledge about all this...so I say THANK YOU CLO2!...the lady who is assisting my mom gave her a schedule example which is exactly as the one I explained to you but in earlier hours (from 8AM and first dose after 1 hour of eating breakfast, we wait "2" and the schedule she gave my mom has LUNCH with 2 hours res before next dose..since my mom only spend 30-35 min eating, she only rest 1 hour and 30 min or so, she takes her next dose 1 hour and 30 min later.

But yes! my mom does takes 10 doses a day, only 1 is a 1 hour non-consecutive dose which is the one that come next after "LUNCH" remember, she waits 1 hour 30 min to take her next dose. About the "Douches with CDS" she doesn't seem enthusiastic about it, not at all, so it is "discarded" does "enemas" has the same effectiveness? she's willing to do enemas. Also, are enemas and douche protocol recommended to be done everyday? how may times a day as maximum?

How long should she stay with protocol 2000 (MMS, DMSO) ? and whenn she should start the MMS2 protocol...Can you please give me an example of how it should be the increasing dose with MMS protocol 2000? as far as I know it is 1ml per hours for 10 hours, for how long should she maintain this dose and how it should be increased? how does the normal progression as per the HRP works?

Sorry if I ask too much, but maybe as you know, I see this as a "life or death situation" I hope you can understand my concern about my mom's health problem.

I know, I know, I need to read the book...by the way, I sent you a PM.

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CDS Protocol - Cancer - 11 Jan 2018 06:08 #57267

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Hi Redpill. The forum PM is not working correctly and I can't read your PM. :(

If you don't mind, click on the "Ask a Question" link at mmsinfo.org/ and I will reply via email to you.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Redpill

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CDS Protocol - Cancer - 11 Jan 2018 08:16 #57269

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The forum PM seems to working again! Thanks to IX for fixing it.

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