Hi, I hope to get things clarified here so I can save my 8 year old cat diagnosed with cat aids.
Long story short: I was looking for "alternative" cures for her and contacted Johann Biacsics on youtube.
This is what he told me: In order to kill viruses like this, I have to give her MMS+DMSO combo frequently, like every 10-15 minutes for 1-2 hours twice a day, every day.
My sodium chlorite is 25%, I made 4% hydrochloric acid for activator as he suggested. I made sure it is exactly 4%. For water, I only use distilled. DMSO is 99%.
The lowest amount I can make at a time is one activated drop, 20-30 seconds activation time. Then add 40ml water and about 0.7ml DMSO.
The normal dosage is 3 drops per hour for 70kg humans, my cat weighs 5kg so I scaled down it for her and gave 2ml of this mms+dmso solution per 15 minutes
for 2 hours twice a day. I made a new batch every time to make sure it is effective. DMSO acts as a carrier and helps to spread MMS to every cell in the body.
I've been giving her this every day for almost 10 days now but her gums are still inflamed.
Should I give her scaled down dosage (about 0.2 drops mms per hour) every hour for 8-10 hours instead of what he suggested? any other tips?
I've ordered AG100 10ppm colloidal silver as well out of desperation, it is on the way.
Thank you.