I am wondering why MMS should be taken 8 times a day, while MMS2 calls for no more than 5 times a day?
Or have things changed?
I take it first thing in the morning, and then wait 10 minutes to eat. There haven't been big trials on this stuff ya know, it's trial and error here. If it feels good - do it. If your stomach bothers you after you take some then eat something, or drink orange juice to completely negate it. No one knows anything for sure until it works for them, thing is, I've been using this for over 3 years and so I now feel very comfortable with it, but I remember being nervous when I first started.
I had a huge cyst in my liver, when I drank the MMS it would feel like someone stuck a knife in me, right away, I mean it took the MMS a second to find the cyst and attack it, a second! And so, I feel that you don't need to wait long periods to eat, this mms stuff works pronto! So, I only wait 10 minutes to eat after taking mms. But if you eat before taking it then it takes about 20 minutes for the food to digest.... so I try to wait at least 30 minutes before I take any. Of course this all depends on how much you eat! BTW, my cyst shriveled up and is now a little tiny piece of dead skin that is driving the doctors nuts because "cysts don't just go away" according to them.
You'll hear a lot of different opinions on when and how to take mms, as we all have different success stories, but bottom line - it works, some places in the body are harder for it to get to as it must dilute before it gets there, but don't forget if you follow common sense and the "rules" here, it won't hurt you.