The following from The Kalcker Parasite Protocol found in Kerri Rivera's book
Healing the Symptoms Known as Autism.
Tapeworms, and some other parasites, have an affinity for B12 and iron. Therefore, lab results that show deficiencies in B12 and/or iron can be indicators of parasitic infections. Due to its size, the tapeworm consumes enormous amounts of food that it obtains by taking the child’s food. This can affect the child’s normal development.
Treatment is simple, but it requires that the head of the tapeworm be removed, otherwise it will continue to grow. Tapeworm treatment is separate from this protocol and usually requires niclosamide. However, the only way to be sure the head has been removed is to identify it in the stool.
This protocol is specifically designed for the deworming of large intestinal parasites, especially round nematodes such as Ascaris. It is effective for most nematodes, but may not be effective against tapeworms. In the case of infestation by Taenias, the recommended treatment is Niclosamide, the preferred medication due to its low toxicity.