Hi, it's me, again with the usual drama when I write here. Thanks so much for being there. Has MMS ever been used to cure rabies in animals and/or humans? Also is there a Vet reading this please? My friends need to believe it from the mouth of a vet that would be awesome but anyone can give us info please. We have an adult cat my friend brought me here and I wanted to heal him, he was in the street and had paralysis to his legs, was not even able to get into the litter and was falling every steps when trying to walk (so often fell in his poop because he wanted to go into the litter, he was at least trying. Which now tells me he was not like that all his life, since he learned to go to the cat litter and looked used to be a clean boy) After only 3 days of treatment with MMS just in his water, Chaga tea and raw food (raw meat with good stuff, a holistic vet's recipe a company sells around here) he improved a lot, was able to climb the stairs after 2 weeks. I stoped MMS for like 2 days because I was busy, not worried and was observing if it was permanently improved etc. 2 days after the stop, he started having severe seizures every few hours, with lots of saliva especially after, but all the time saliva. Just before that he bit my friend to the bone that morning, for no reason and he was usually absolutely adorable and knew my friend well and was grateful to him and followed us everywhere and recently he was distant and passive (another symptom of rabies). Then another friend got bitten also severely to the bone during a seizure. The bites look horrible and swollen right after and worse today. That was yesterday morning. Yesterday I thought this could be rabies... Of course I put MMS in his water again when he started the seizures but was not thirsty so I waited (another rabies symptom). I should have put some in his mouth to force him... I was not thinking of rabies yet. and also I added hemp oil to his raw meat (contains also garlic and many good things) hé ate more slowly that usual, but I thought it's because hé bit his tongue during thé seizures (there was always a lot of blood and saliva from his mouth after the seizures) My friends read that rabies has 100% mortality rate in humans. And they are doubtful about MMS so I need to prove the point of taking MMS. They prefer only the vaccine they are at the hospital now. So if someone else than me could prove or testify about the chances of MMS to cure rabies and what protocol, that would be very very useful here. Maybe it's not even rabies, they say it could be a poisoning, but I have absolutely no poison here and he looked so weird since a couple days. And I read the symptoms: paralysis, seizures, saliva, want to be alone, not thirsty, acting weird, biting, etc. I would just not take chances while thé cat is under quarantine for 10 days. It's too long and MMS does not hurt anyone, asol opposed to vaccines. Please share any of your suggestions or informations, that will be so appreciated. Thanks.
P.s. We also have another cat, and a dog who was licking the saliva and always playing and I have a large cut on the finger, probably had some of the cat's saliva on it so I'm already taking MMS every hours, not just 8 hours per day, just to make sure...