Wanted to share this story - on Sunday I went to a BBQ - no issues at the BBQ - food was great but there was these homemade burgers which were a little spicy but nothing too hot compared to what I'm used to. I ate lamb, didn't eat the chicken, did eat the grilled vegetables.
However the very next day I felt fine except I had the most uncontrollable Diarrhoea I've ever had in my life. Had to go to the toilet so many times I lost count - maybe 20 to 25 times. At first I thought it was the spices in the burgers and a bad reaction to them, once ate once that day.
Then the day after the Diarrhoea kept coming .. I was ok if I lay down in bed but as soon as I started to sit up or walk the Diarrhoea would start up and very watery. By this time I was sure I'd expelled all the food from the BBQ. Anyways I started burping and noticed the burps smelt like eggs / Sulphur .. did a search online and some sites said the smell could be a sign of bacteria, which I hadn't suspected as I thought my Diarrhoea was just down to too many spices in the BBQ food.
Anyway this time I thought I better try MMS - and since I'm no fan of the taste and smell of MMS just did a single 10 drops dose mixed with Hydrochloric acid and used Coca-Cola instead of water to help mask the smell and flavour .. went to bed and next day all the Diarrhoea has stopped, the burping has stopped. Not taken any more MMS.
Any thoughts on what might be the cause of the Diarrhoea ?
usually if I have any kind of Diarrhoea I'll go to the toilet a maximum of 3 times in a day, but 20 to 25 times in a single day was something I've never experienced - The only thing I can think is I saw one guy who was not the cook, just a volunteer out of the people attending that was shaping the burgers with his bare hands, and we were in a public park, so there was no place to wash his hands .. so unless he washed them some other way could I have picked up some bacteria from the burgers this way?
Also I've had my tonsils removed as a kid, I hear part of the job of the tonsils is to provide a supply of good bacteria to help overcome bad bacteria you might encounter via the mouth.
I'm sure if I hadn't taken the 10 drops of MMS I'd still be sick and guess I should take a smaller dose today just to make sure. but any insights would be great as to what it was I might have gotten and why is came on so fast.