If you have pain or inflammation of some kind then large amounts of iodine can be dangerous. I think that i have inflammation and those 600 mcg everyday dose was too much and in worst case scenario my thyroid is permanently damaged.
You must heal your pains and inflammation first and only then to use larger amounts of iodine if needed. Iodine supplement are problematic in some cases and especially in thyroid inflammation and hyperthyroidism.
In the last spring i used detox drink (spring water, chlorella, phytoplankton, cilantro, m(s)m, zeolite, sea salt, lemon, silica) and then my poo become very thick, loose, black and strong smell of ammonia. At work, i get strong mood swings when i using this detox and zeolite caused a long lasting tingling in my kneecaps. Work was full of fluorescent lamps and my neck began to ache those days. Good side of the story was that i become a little pit social, but i think that i'm not "normal" yet.
I have used MMS three days in 2013 end of year. I stop because my stomach get nausea and i started incorrectly (too much too loosely and activator was 10% citric acid, maybe moldy citric). Now i have lots of information and i don't take those mistakes again. I must start slowly and listen to the body. When i first drink 1 drop in year 2013, then i get strange feeling like "high" of something. Then i go to shopping mall and i become a little bit clumsy. Then i dropped eggs to the ground and i become very social and i went to talk to the worker and asked refund or new eggs. I'm not normally that social and i think that i suffer "vaccine autism" or "autistic psychopathy". I have feeling in social situations that i pretend and feeling loneliness all the time. I'm invisible and cannot enjoy socially. MMS will cure this because that feeling of high someway tell that to me and that social feeling too. When i get strong fewer i get more social. MMS will start those healing feeling like fewer.
Good rule is that you should start with the MMS and don't do these errors that i did like too much iodine etc...