Hello Nora,
First don't panic: almost all lungs cancers have a 1-year expectancy after being detected. It's quite a small window, but it is enough nonetheless, no need to rush, MMS has helped people with life expectancies not exceeding two days. So no hope is lost.
For cancers, the usual protocol is the 2000, which combine MMS1 (drops) every hour and MMS2 (gels) every two hours. The protocol is available on the site's wiki, but a more comprehensive protocol can be foud in Jim Humble's latest book.
Usually the sites selling MMS1 sell also MMS2 either under that designation, or under Calcium hypochlorite. You can also build it from scratch from "pool shock" available as pool maintenance product. Refer yourself to the Wiiki or Jim's books for further details on preparation or dosage.
You might also consider adding DMSO to the mix, but read the safety instructions, MMS2 and DMSO don't mix AT ALL.
I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, but I hoped it helped.