Hi Tina,
Well yes it can be used to cure Crohn's. Most patients use the 1000 protocol with the enema protocol in addition (gets it where it's needed most, and at least that way you don't have to taste it).
Most auto-immune diseases are the result of infections by micro-organisms (bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungi) which are not detected either because they are unknown at the time, or because it wouldn't be good business to cure people when you can just treat them indefinitely.
So it's kind of infuriating that most treatments are destined to actually suppress your immune system, when what you need is to find a way to kick those pesky germs out.
So, yes MMS works, try it, simply follow the safety rules. Most systemic diseases are so ingrained in the body that Jarsich-Herheimer reactions are the rule rather than the exception.
Best of luck.