Hi All!
This is my first post. I wanted to get some insight on using MMS2 with Protocol 1000 plus for HSV-1 cold sore. I also have in on arms , chest, face and top on hand. I have been on the 1000 plus for 3 days and things are going well. I can feel it hitting the nerves where it lives. I am just wondering if its strong enough to do the job or should I just go to protocol 2000 or add the mms2. I have never had sores in those areas only tingling and itching. i only get very small sores on the lip but they have always healed fast. I would think this will kill it easy on places like the top of my hand as it isn't very deep. I was also wonder would MMS baths works as well since it would hit the nerves just under the skin.
I know this is working on my body because I can feel my lungs, throat detoxing....
Please advise.