Hey Masoomi, this is the site I was looking for. Does this sound like you? It is the only post I have found so far that measured up to me, which made me think mycoplasma may be the problem. If you go to the site I have given you it will go into the treatment of the problem in Europe where it is devastating whole forests of trees, and borax is the inexpensive cure for it. Any how, without spending a fortune I felt it gave me a heads up diagnosis enough to push on with the treatment (I was taking a night time dose of a tspn in a glass of water before bed that had no effect at all, and I had kept that up, with 15 dps of MMS, for around 2 years). This eruption of diarrhea from day time dosing is very rare undead it seems, starting on day doses so low (Protocol: one tspn of borax to one ltr of water. That is the source. Mark the bottle and store high up out of reach of children and label. From this source mix take one tspn of the mixture and mix it with one ltr of water, and sip this through out the day). This is what I did and I near shat my arse off for at least ten days. b
Replied by Mycoplasma
Geneva, Switzerland
SIDE EFFECTS] People who take Borax:
Na2[B4O5(OH)4]ï ¿ ½8H2O
or other treatments like ClO2, Mefloquine, Neemleaf extract, and all other chemical substances that have affect on Mycoplasma will cause huge eruptions into the blood stream. As a consequence, people will get severe diarrhea. Dosing should be started with low amounts, especially on heavily affected people, who may otherwise end up in hospital in the lucky case.
One problem that occurs on this site is the fact, that dosages are improperly discussed. Fractions of teaspoons are improper ways to measure. I tested this and just on Borax 1/8th of a teaspoon can vary between 300 mg to 800 mg. I really would suggest to get a proper balance that can handle milligrams and start talking about dosages in body dosages in milligrams (but please put in your weight in kg as well) and the time intervals it is taken, so that a daily dose would come clear as well.
If the webmaster would support it, we could start taking information on a scientific level instead of staying in the semi-knowledge.
I am studying this mycoplasma since over two years and could benefit from better statistics, if the forum would be willing to support proper statistic data on their experience. I am quite startled how wide spread the problem is affecting nearly everyone.