I am glad to report the 2nd cat is doing much better today and looks like he has turned the corner.
This is now the 3rd animal that had a very severe virus that I have tried to treat with MMS. Unfortunately I lost the 1st two in a sad way. The 1st was a puppy with distemper and the last 2 were cats. So here are my lessons learned for someone else out there.
1) Of course get on it fast! I find the vets are reluctant to give you the very bad news that you are probably dealing with a life threatening virus. So they try and go with other ideas and only after elimination of these other more benign problems will they say "well I guess this is X" or unknown X. Don't take a chance. Assume at the 1st sign you are dealing with something severe and start treating like it is an emergency. Because it is. You just may not be able to detect it yet. This was true in all cases. The 2 animals we lost we started treating too late.
2) MMS will only be help in 1st early phase, before it has buried itself deep in bone marrow etc. Once the animal is no longer eating, running high temps etc. The MMS is only miminally effective. I don't know why, but I suspect it has to do with the virus getting a foothold in nervous systems and bones where blood flow is less and the MMS just can hardly get to it. Meanwhile the virus in ramping its own population up in a big way, to overtake the animal. MMS with only water on an animal that has a compromised GI track seems to stress them out w/o the hoped for attack.
3) As soon as the animal stops eating/drinking go to subcu water. There are lots of videos on youtube on how to do it. Dehydration is your next number one problem. Its hard to force feed enough water down them, it is also once again stress full on them to get anything this way. The immune system needs lots of water. It helps keep fevers down and the body to have the best shot.
4) Next don't wait more than a day or so before giving them the calories they need. Small doses of kitten milk or the special high calorie recovery food from the vet will enable you to get enough calories down them easily to keep them going during this critical phase. One syringe 4 times a day of kitten milk is easier than the equivalent of normal food. As well as providing water.
5) I think antibiotics are helpful at this severe stage to help control 2ndary infections. Anything that can be done to reduce the load on the immune system is important. And although MMS would address this as well it is more stressful to deliver and harder on both you and the animal at this point.
6) The one thing we also did with this 3rd animal that did seem to help, is used a frequency generator, or rife machine. We purchased several DNA frequencies from this place.
It is tedious to get signed up to be able to purchase them. So I would sign up in advance if you have animals and a way to use them. Or at the very least sign up as soon as you have an issue. It cost nothing to get set up and better to have this already done and in the ready if you need to get them.
I wish I could tell you which one helped, but I was desperate and blasted him with everything. I started with 5 min. 1st day and 10 the second. 10 seemed more effective, but they say don't start out too fast, just like MMS.
When he begin to get pneumonia I was really worried. He looked very bad, was running a supper high fever. We laid him on ice packs covered with a towel and then used Set #642
from the CAFL universal frequency set. This was truly amazing. It really made a difference on the pneumonia.
This is the killer problem with these severe viruses. They compromise the respiratory track so much, that it often kills the animal or makes it impossible for them to recover. If you don't have a generator, find someone that does. The rife machines penetrate the bones and other hard to get to locations.
This pneumonia frequency combined with the other purchased sets of frequencies and some antibiotics all made the difference. At the end of a day of all of these things we went from a cat slipping down into deep illness, to a cat in recovery. Although both cat's illness followed the same track. The treatment outlined above made the difference between the cat living and dying.
7) The one other treatment we did was use a soft laser to help them hold down water and food. Lasering 10 min before and 30 min after eating prevented them from throwing up. It is often extremely painful for them to throw up so it is critical to try and control it.
Hopefully this will be a help to the next person