Hi everybody,
I have the following questions regarding disinfecting vegetables and fruits.
A friend of mine is going to spend the winter months in Cyprus. He was there for two weeks in November and reported that local inhabitants had warned him of drinking water from the tap – although the seawater is cleaned in a big water treatment plant. This cleaned water should not be drunk or used to clean mouth and teeth. It is good enough for cleaning or showering. But he is worried how to clean fresh vegetables and fruits, bought on the market or in shops.
Jim wrote in his books that sodium chlorite (or is it chlorine dioxide?) is worldwide used since decades to disinfect vegetables. But how can my friend disinfect them with MMS1?
Question 1: If he puts 3 or 4 drops of activated MMS1 in one gallon of water from the tap can he drink it after 1 to 2 minutes? The parasites are certainly killed, but what about chemicals and poisons from the sea?
Question 2: if vegetables and fruits are soaked for some seconds in this gallon of MMS-treated water, are they safe to eat raw – without cooking?
Question 3: Is the spray protocol safer than soaking? For fruits it would be much easier.
Question 4: I advised my friend to drink daily Maintenance Protocol i.e. 3 drops of activated MMS1 in the morning and 3 drops of activated MMS1 in the evening. Or is it better to drink 6 drops once daily?
Of course you can buy drinking water from the mountains (and more expensive mineral water) in Cyprus, but this is more complicated and not cheap. Cleaned seawater coming from the tap and treated with MMS1 would be much more convenient.
Hoping that some of you have experience in this topic I highly appreciate your help and advice. Thank you very much. LOL