I noticed that allot of people are using tap water for MMS mixed with DSMO for Protocols and even sitting in a bath of mms tap water and DSMO. Id just like to highlight the dangers of Fluoride in large doses it can damage teeth in fluorosis it can damage the brain and I personally believe it creates dementia and creates damage to the brain similar to Lead poisoning. Fluoride in large doses has been linked to cancer
Just now much Flouride have we got in our water
Id also like to mention about Ion transfer from copper pipes, steel pipes if you think of the miles of steel and copper pipes your water goes through and lays in days at a time that you drink from your house at work, fast food shops even beverages you may buy from the supermarket.
Also water and food we cook in aluminium, copper, metal pots and pans when you think Aluminium per oz is several times more deadly than lead and that we cook food in Aluminium pots and pans it bring to mind just how damaging to our health modern living can be.
I first found out about Ion transfer after watching a video on youtube about ceramic knifes from Japan and how the Japanese are now using non Teflon, non bare metal pots and pans and transferring over to ceramic coated pots and pans.