as far as destroying the feces - the reason for doing this, is so that your other dogs don't pick up parasites from them. What I do is clean it up as soon as I can, I normally follow them around and get it as fresh as possible.
Disposing of it - here where I live - I put it in plastic bags and tie them and toss them in my garbage to be picked up every week. There are also disposal things you can get - that you dig a small hole in your yard and then put it in there along with some chemical and it destroys it. There is a lid on the container, so it's almost like a septic system, doesn't take up much room. I don't have one, but I'm sure they work great. I get most all my pet items from mail order - - or Maybe walmart , petco or petsmart carry them also. I've been having a lot of luck finding things that I need from and their prices aren't bad.
If you can't find anything or don't want to spend the bucks for one, you could just dig a hole in your yard and bury it.
Be blessed "G"