Hello every body .I am from India . I am treating my sis in law for last two days with protocol 1000+ . She was diagnosed
for possible breast caner after mamography /sonography and other tests .There are 3 lumps on the left hand side,one she can feel by hand and other are only visible faintly in her mamography . They say that it is in very early/primary stage.
We started the 1000+ protocol (2 drops) ,after 4 th and 6th dose she had vomited .She reported that the vomiting was similar to one after acidity (from its sour test/ yellow colour). It looks like lot of acid is being expelled by her system in the form of vomiting . She had a head pain that subsided after she vomited . We decided to stop after 6th dose as she had lot of nausea .
The same things happened on the 2nd day also. She is not reporting any loss of energy or fatigue ,but she is having nausea towards food.She could hardly eat any food She could sleep at night without any interruptions
I feel that, should we continue MMS without DMSO as it is making things faster than her system can handle .
Pl suggest me possible plan of actions for our 3rd day of the protocol