pls post JBs Mike Adams info to this thread in regards to juicing
Unfortunately I can't find the U-tube interview with Mike regarding juicing.
As you may be aware that he has set up a lab to test foods. He has discovered that the fibre in foods retains Heavy Metals so the total content of a food does not mean that amount is bio-available MRF (metal retention factor). The more processed a food the less MRF - that really includes juicing - as you throw the fibre out. I can remember the interviewer joking with Mike that a person should throw the juice out and eat the fibre.
This link alludes to the juicing research:
He will gather a lot of confirming information before he publishes directly on this - he has recommended juicing for years. I own a really swell juicer recommended by him that I got ~ 5 years ago.
I will search for my source on Jim's position later.