Hey Lifesurfer,
Just read yr post and seeing you online makes me rush the article, I got from earlier posts, to you:
You are exactly on the right track and you did all the work from MMS already, so ideal to help yr father!
Yes, to enter the cancerous lumps in his right lung, you will have to add a drop of DMSO ( a great carrier to make sure MMS can do its job where needed) to yr MMS protocol 1000. When you add the drop of DMSO it is called protocol 1000+.
Please inform your father not to take any chemo/death row....only 3% of success whereas MMS/DMSO will have a chance of 90%.
First read the above post and let me check for the exact protocol 1000+ if not already mentioned in the above post,
Regards, keep up with yr good job helping your father,