hi glad all is well. i found this that may help others.
I was sent this over Skype and passed it on. I'm no computor wiz so I have to take your opinions on this. I hope it is of some advantage to all here.
Most of us are unaware that when we use our favorite search engines we are not being shown most of what is actually available. The reason for this is “family filters”, an innocuous term for “what the government would prefer you don’t see, read or hear”. These filters are by default, enabled in your search engine. You need to physically turn them off in order to be able to see ALL that is available on any given subject you are searching. The following is the procedure for turning off those filters within the Google Search Engine and you will find it similar in all other search programs;
First go to Google dot com..
www.google.com/ at the bottom of that page click on “privacy” which will take you to this page….
www.google.com/intl/en/privacy/ click on “Google Family Safety Center” at the end of the first section on this page which will take you to this page….
www.google.com/familysafety/ Under Google safety tools click on “Learn how to use our safety tools” from there, under Google Safe Search click on “Search Settings” in the last sentence which will take you to
www.google.com/preferences?hl=en scroll down to “Safe Search Filtering” and choose “Do not filter my search results” scroll to the bottom of the page on the lower right hand corner and click on “Save Preferences”.
You will need to do this or at least check it once a month, remember “G” (gmail, google etc.) stands for Government and Google will go in and reset you to their preferred setting and filter from time to time.
As to the issue of security and privacy it is well known that Microsoft and Google are willingly governmentally controlled. They have direct access to records of every subject you “search” on your computer tracked by your IP address. If you change your searching habits and ALWAYS search from START PAGE dot com instead they have no way to know where the search originated. You will still be searching through Google but when the IP is tracked back it will only track to Start Page’s IP and will not identify you!
the above was on david ickies site