jeffers, 4% hcl (hydrochloric acid) is used to "activate" unactivated mms (22.4% sodium chlorite), which releases chlorine dioxide gas from the unactivated mms by changing the pH of the unactivated mms.
Then you have activated mms or cdh depending on how the unactivated mms was activated. There is one way to activate mms and three ways to activate cdh. One does not activate hcl.
Hydrochloric acid is found naturally in gastric acid.
Gastric acid is a digestive fluid, formed in the stomach. It has a pH of 1-2 and is composed of hydrochloric acid (HCl) (around 0.5%, or 5000 parts per million) as high as 0.1 M,[1] potassium chloride (KCl) and sodium chloride (NaCl). The acid plays a key role in digestion of proteins, by activating digestive enzymes, and making ingested proteins unravel so that digestive enzymes break down the long chains of amino acids.
So, mms and cdh can continue to activate in one's stomach if there is hcl present.
Chlorine dioxide gas (NaCLO2) can explode if a highly concentrated batch of CDH is made and it is exposed to direct sunlight and is hot. The only time one might make such a highly concentrated batch of CDH is if you make cdh12 or make cdh for use in capsules. Most people would never do that.
If you have hcl in a percentage higher than 4%, such as 10% hcl or even 37% hcl, you would dilute those higher percentages down to 4% by mixing with a certain amount of distilled water. The process to do that is always to add the acid to the water and not the other way around.
Mixing 1 part unactivated mms with 1 part 4% hcl as we do when making mms or cdh is not a problem. It would be best to keep that solution away from sunlight and to keep it cold if possible so CLO2 gas will stay in the water solution and not become a weak mms or cdh.