Hello, this is my first post.
I've had a cyst in my liver for at least 20 years, it has grown to baseball size. At least twice a week it would hurt me, really bad, like someone stabbed me. Doctor says that is the cyst bleeding.
I went to the Puerto Vallarta forum 6 months ago, in March 2013, and drank the sacrament for 4 days. I asked while there if anyone knew anything about cysts, no one did.
Since then I've only had pain one time, and maybe it was something else. I am anxious to get an ultrasound to see if it is gone.
However....my husband has been taking the MMS2, he took one capsule a day for 2 weeks, and then he changed to a pill every other day. He had a huge subaceous cyst on his neck, it was very distracting.....it is now hardly noticeable.
So....looks like cysts are cureable with MMS2.
When I get an ultrasound I will let you know the results.
This forum is hard for me to get, it won't work on dial up - which I have and it won't work at the library. I'm on a lap top now, wish I could get it all the time.