Another great guy not giving up to find cheap and simple ways to the prevent cancer! website What an inspiration.
There is the possibility of both good and bad from that story.
His test is 26,000 times LESS expensive then the current testing methods ... I bet there's a lot of very upset medical companies who's just seen their future income levels drop massively. His test costs 3 cents so that makes a standard test cost about £780 - I'm assuming this isn't the actual cost of the test but the price the testing company will be charging.
he's not actually preventing cancer from what I read, he's detecting it earlier.
This has the benefit of getting people treated earlier but there is also the disadvantage that it might make standard cancer treatment even more sociably accepted.
This young man has achieved a lot at such a young age and by the looks of it his family up bringing had a lot to do with it
There is good and bad in everything that happens in life .. I can certainly see the good here but I can also see the vast potential for bad.
By making testing for cancer so cheap and at such an earlier stage that in the future anti cancer drugs could be prescribed as common place as cholesterol lowering drugs.
A test like this might mean people are put on some kind of anti cancer preventative drug for life just as we see happening with Cholesterol Drugs and almost all of these drugs have unwanted side-effects.