I have been using MMS for two years now, along with MMS, DMSO, Hot Yoga, change of diet, only 5 filtered water that I buy by the gallon from a 5-filter machine and use a high end water filter. Feeling better, and looking better than I have in years, but still struggling with sinus issues, bizarre skin infections, breathing issues and just had an ahh ha moment!!!!
And, I believe I was born with congenital lyme disease and co-infections, and or congenital cysticercosis (tapeworm larva). Not only being born with it, but more than likely re-exposed many times throughout my lifetime - drinking water, infected food, airborne...my immune system was inhibited.
It has to do with a tonsillectomy / adenoid removal when I was three. I remember the hospital stay and the event. One of the only things I remember at that age. I still have nightmares about it - "Frankenstein of stilts, was the best of my recollection, standing over me holding me down. I would attempt to scream, and nothing would come out.
Since I started hot yoga, I realized the importance of breathing - affects on PH and overall health. Mouth breathing is very harmful - that's what I have been doing at night and off and on the years. The tonsilectomy / Adnoid removal that is so common, doesn't really correct the problem, just creates more problems down the road since the gatekeepers / protectors of the nose and throat are removed!! I have had constant infections since then, and given multiple antibiotics at a young age that stained my teeth. I have also read that children who undergo this surgery, fail to develop proper facial features - pug nose (adnoid face) problems with the mandible, lower IQ because they do not get enough blood to the brain.
I am 49 - have a "pug nose". Although it is considered cute...and it is cute, it inhibits my breathing and affects my PH - I have had GI problems and infection issues all my life.
I urge people considering to do this barbaric surgery to their children, ripping out the immune system that is the gate keeper of the nose and throat, ultimately affecting total body health, to do their research. Address the infection, or as they say, don't kill the messenger who tries to tell you there is an infection in the body.