Yesterday I attended an event sponsored by a huge soft drinks company.
Needless to say it was a very hot day and there was unlimited soft drinks being given out, so I drunk a lot of soft drinks - all with sugar in them.
In a single day I probably drunk the equivalent of 6 or 7 soft drink cans. Which I'm guessing from what I read online may be 200g to 250g of sugar.
Normally I'd only drink about 1 can a week.
I noticed when I woke up how puffy my face looked, and when I got on the weighing scales I'd gain about 1kg in weight in a single day.
This sudden weight gain could only be from fluid retention.
Anyway the thing I noticed is the back of my thighs and my rear are really hurting when I sit down.
I remember I used to get these same pains about 5 or 6 years ago, i.e. that it basically hurt to sit down and now I think I have the reason.
I think too much sugar in the system causes people to retain water and when you sit down all that added pressure causes pain.
This week has been a heatwave where I am, so been drinking a lot more sugary drinks and eating ice cream and now all that added sugar I think is having immediate health impacts.
Normally the most sugar I'll have is in my tea, and even then it's usually unrefined brown sugar.
If you know people that are in pain when sitting down it could be related to their sugar intake.