today i have wonderful news to share. he is a copy of an email:
My dearest Mary,
I hardly know where to start with this email, I have cried with joy and excitement since this morning, I only feel it fair to inform you that my liver has returned to normal and the scan revealed NO CANCER in my cervix now. I told my oncologist about MMS and how I used it with your herbs, I told him that you came to help me. He said that I should start to look for a new Oncologist, I stood up and said “you are well and truly fired, you and your medications, toxins and poisons have only made me sick, you are a quack and should be ashamed of yourself. Your results 0% but Mary in Bulgaria was wonderful and it is only thanks to her and Mr Jim Humble that I am here today! Mary I got so angry with him but at the same time the look on his face was so funny. I won’t be seeing him again thanks to you.
As you are aware I never informed my family of my cancer, I will be telling them now. Mary you do so much for others and what you do is amazing. Thank you some how does not seem enough, I am full of gratitude and new life, and I promise not to waist a moment. If I had money I would donate it all to you but my pension is so small. You gave hope when hope was lost, you turned my lights back on, you cheered me up when I was down, you were a friend when I needed one, you are my healer and my sole mate, my laughter and my joy. My home will always be open to you.
Never stop doing what you are doing. It may have been a long 8 months but thankfully it is behind me now.
Eternally grateful