you need to be doing a bath with 40cc CDS, 20cc DMSO wait to minutes and add solution to bath, soak for a minimum of 20 minutes, do not wash in the tub, not chemicals this is just to soak, the DMSO will carry the CDS through the skin, always ensure your body and bath tub is clean.
You need protocol 2000 but add 1 drop of DMSO to every dose, only add this to each dose in a glass NOT in your daily bottle. Also black seed oil at night and MSM, we also advise immune boosting herbs two hours after protocol. Enema's every 3rd day with CDS and DMSO after the initial flush. Sea water 150 ml per evening with added water if needed, if you do not live by the ocean, purchase sea salt and add water. We always do a parasite cleanse at the begining of health restoration. I am sure if you follow these instructions, you will see improvement within 7 days.