The Master Mineral of the Third Millennium –The Clorine Dioxide Jon
Chapter 9
Critics of MMS and Jim Humble
Only 3 drops are normally used in a dose of MMS. Those three
drops are diluted 675 times so instead of a 28% solution they make
a 0.00004% solution. I hope you understand percentages as that is
about one tenth the amount of chemical as the amount of salt that
you would put on your dinner. For extreme cases of cancer, one
might use up to half the amount of MMS chemical as salt you would
put on your dinner, or about a 0.00008% solution in half a glass of
water. Sorry critics, but this small dose cannot damage the body. „
MMS lasts in the body for less than 1.5 hours, by which point it has
turned into table salt and discharged oxygen which becomes carbon
dioxide. There is not enough of either one of those things to record.
Three drops diluted 675 times would be about a 0.00004% solution in
half a glass of water.
• A couple of grains of 0.00008% MMS (chlorine dioxide)
solution is too weak to damage the body….
Chapter 20
„Getting it Straight About MMS Concentration
As we pointed out in Chapter 9, Critics of MMS & Jim Humble, (p.
33), the cell walls (membranes) of a pathogen are probably less than
1/10,000 of an inch thick. But the walls of body components are 1/32
inch thick. In other words, body cell walls are thousands of times
thicker than pathogen cell walls. MMS kills the pathogen by blowing
a hole in its wall, either directly or after white blood cells have carried
the MMS to the pathogen. (Certain white blood cells absorb the ClO2
created by MMS, surround the pathogen, and release the ClO2 to
do its work.)
The average dose of activated MMS (chlorine dioxide) is 3 drops.
Those 3 drops contain about 15 mg of chlorine dioxide. That’s about
one tenth of the amount of table salt you might shake on your dinner.
• Then that is diluted 675 times with water or juice, making a
solution that is 0.00004% strength instead of the 28% that the
FDA claims in their lies. „ ………