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How does MMS work on cancers? 04 May 2013 19:27 #32960

  • pejeal44
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Hello Everyone!

Ascribing to the theory of Rife and pleomorphism of pathogens and bacteria, many believe that cancer is caused, as Royal Rife stated and isolated, by a virus, BX he called it, that pleomorphes or changes into different types, including fungi. In this case, MMS, or the chlorine dioxide in it, would destroy the pathogens and cure it, much like the Rife machine apparently did by using low frequency waves.

This is quite important to me, as I was diagnosed a year ago with what they call Stage IIIb melanoma after a thick tumor was excised by surgery from the sole of my right foot. Unseeing, it festered there for a long time. A sentinel node biopsy removed 4 right inguinal nodes, 2 of which had micro-metastasis. All this escaped a PET scan. A lymphedenectomy and Interferon were prescribed, to which I say no, I will take my chances holistically, which I did (attended an alternative clinic in Tampa, FL). But now a lymph node in the area is quite swollen, about the size of a large chick pea, and my suspicion is melanoma again. I took the Navarro test, which returned yesterday at a 52.1, above the 50 save mark, thus positive although low. Dr. Navarro, from Manila, commented that it could be remnants from the foot melanoma. This coming Tuesday I am scheduled for ultrasound, and a needle-aspirate biopsy.

Since detecting the lump 20 days ago now, and receiving through Bill Henderson’s newsletter, luckily, that now-famous MMS melanoma testimony video in You Tube by Mark from Thailand, I rushed into MMS, read Mr. Humble’s last book in 2 days, became a member of the Genesis Church, and contacted several prominent members. I am now doing MMS1, 10 hours daily, up to 10-12 drops, 2 bathes with DMSO, topical MMS and DMSO, and today did my first enema. Add to that MMS2. Hope is high!

So, returning to the Rife machine and MMS, some people here tend to believe, and it makes sense to me also, that what MMS does, is that basically frees up the immune system by eradicating isolated cases of infection, which always fester here and there, especially when one grows older: root canals, you name it.

A tribute to MMS already: the healed big injury on my right foot, was always reddish on its borders and a little painful, but it took 2 bathes, and everything disappeared, and now the wound is pickled and firm and the pain is gone!

The Rife idea, well, listen to this. There is a guy here in Miami who does that. A friend of my wife arrived at his place with 11 cancer tumors, a few on her lymph nodes, others, like one over 1 inch in diameter in her lung, again 11, and she was scheduled for chemo but said enough is enough. This is 100% the truth. All 11 tumors have disappeared after 2.5 months of 3 sessions per week. He used the same frequencies left behind by Royal Rife.

I am attending this outfit, and banking also on the MMS.

The following user(s) said Thank You: mariannhvw, paul, Researcher

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Last edit: by pejeal44. Reason: grammar and spelling mistakes

How does MMS work on cancers? 04 May 2013 20:02 #32962

  • pam
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I have not heard of them not working together, so I say, go for it! As I understand it, Cancer is rather one of those words that 64 different diseases are named - Jim Humble subscribes to the pleomorphism theory - virus/bacteria - the cancer cells are electrically charged at less than .95 volts, so that the MMS is attracted to them, and the cancer cells (as well as the MMS molecules) are oxidized in the process, releasing spent oxygen molecules (not the nascent type that can combine with other molecules to make a 3rd product) - the spent MMS and the oxidized cancer ions/cells then are discharged in the typical bodily processes. Once the disease load is lessened, the body's own immune system can bring the person back to full health.
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How does MMS work on cancers? 04 May 2013 20:12 #32965

  • pejeal44
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Thanks Pam!

I was awaiting you answer with expectancy, having become acquainted with your deep knowledge of the subject and your cheerful countenance.
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How does MMS work on cancers? 05 May 2013 06:07 #32972

  • marti
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Modern revival, marketing, and health fraudInterest in Rife was revived in the 1980s by author Barry Lynes, who wrote a book about Rife entitled "The Cancer Cure That Worked". The book claimed that Rife's 'beam ray' device could cure cancer, but that all mention of his discoveries was suppressed in the 1930s by a wide-ranging conspiracy headed by the American Medical Association. The American Cancer Society described Lynes' claims as implausible, noting that the book was written "in a style typical of conspiratorial theorists" and defied any independent verification.[5]

In response to this renewed interest, devices bearing Rife's name began to be produced and marketed in the 1980s. Such 'Rife devices' have figured prominently in a number of cases of health fraud in the U.S., typically centered around the uselessness of the devices and the grandiose claims with which they are marketed. In a 1996 case, the marketers of a 'Rife device' claiming to cure numerous diseases including cancer and AIDS were convicted of felony health fraud.[14] The sentencing judge described them as "target[ing] the most vulnerable people, including those suffering from terminal disease" and providing false hope.[15] In 2002 John Bryon Krueger, who operated the Royal Rife Research Society, was sentenced to 12 years in prison for his role in a murder and also received a concurrent 30-month sentence for illegally selling Rife devices. In 2009 a U.S. court convicted James Folsom of 26 felony counts for sale of the Rife devices sold as 'NatureTronics', 'AstroPulse', 'BioSolutions', 'Energy Wellness', and 'Global Wellness'. [16]

Several deaths have resulted from the use of Rife machines in place of standard medical treatment. In one case, a U.S. court found that the marketer of a Rife device had violated the law and that, as a result of her actions, a cancer patient had ceased chemotherapy and died.[17] In Australia, the use of Rife machines has been blamed for the deaths of cancer patients who might have been cured with conventional therapy.[8]

In 1994, the American Cancer Society reported that Rife machines were being sold in a "pyramid-like, multilevel marketing scheme". A key component in the marketing of Rife devices has been the claim, initially put forward by Rife himself, that the devices were being suppressed by an establishment conspiracy against cancer "cures".[5] Although 'Rife devices' are not registered by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and have been linked to deaths among cancer sufferers, the Seattle Times reported that over 300 people attended the 2006 Rife International Health Conference in Seattle, where dozens of unregistered devices were sold.[9]

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How does MMS work on cancers? 05 May 2013 07:42 #32973

  • pejeal44
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I notice you have practically copied from Wikipedia verbatim.

A comment, as this also called my attention when I read it in Wikipedia: "In Australia, the use of Rife machines has been blamed for the deaths of cancer patients who might have been cured with conventional therapy." Innuendo, at best, for "might have been cured" enters the realm of a cheap shot; moreover, it does not cover the thousands of people that have been killed by the same cancer conventional therapies, like chemo, some of which I have known.

But, finally, to the old English proverb: "The proof of the pudding is in the eating". So...how do you explain my wife's friend dissolving of her 11 tumors in such short notice using the same technology? I am a witness to this, nobody told me.

The case against Rife, substituting name and technology, is not much different from the one made in the same Wikipedia against MMS.
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Last edit: by pejeal44. Reason: forgot to add final statement.

How does MMS work on cancers? 20 May 2019 15:52 #60582

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How did the MMS and the RIfe Frequencies work for you? My wife is dealing with a rectal tumor and we re trying to come up with an action plan that can be successful.
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How does MMS work on cancers? 20 May 2019 22:30 #60587

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mcruise, the post just before yours was 6 years ago, so I doubt you will get an answer to your questions.

I presume you have Jim Humble's latest book and are familiar with the HRP?

A quote from the book:
"Exception to the Rule
If you have cancer or another life threatening disease, it may be necessary to move more quickly into Protocol 2000 without observing the five to six day intervals before adding on a new protocol. You can determine if it is time to move more quickly by the way things are going. If you are feeling pretty bad and again, you have a life threatening disease, you may want to go at a faster pace with the protocols, but without getting sicker than you already are from your illness. In this case, even though I just said you can move more quickly, you should nevertheless, always start out with the Starting Procedure—do not bypass this step."
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How does MMS work on cancers? 29 May 2019 18:07 #60632

  • TessOOTW
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This is an interesting page - he does site research that people might want to investigate. I have squamous cell carcinoma and am searching for something to help.


this basically is a paper refuting that science support that MMS doesn't work - take a look at this from the rebuttal:

"In the case of chlorine dioxide there are a number of conditions that the pathogen must meet in order to be destroyed. The most important condition is the ORP (Oxidation Reduction Potential) voltage of the cell walls of the pathogen. It must match the voltage of the chlorine dioxide in the proper way to be destroyed. Chlorine kills (oxidizes) everything in its path, but as mentioned above, by chlorination, but chlorine dioxide is very selective. It does not combine; it destroys by disassembling the biological components of the cell walls of the pathogen by removing the electrons that hold it together.... [Word count rule exceeded] "
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How does MMS work on cancers? 29 May 2019 21:36 #60636

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For any skin cancer, I would use full strength CDS followed by DMSO. And I would consider using Black Salve (Indian Herb).

I have used both successfully on my skin pre-cancer and cancer.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Truthquester, paul, Vassilis

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