MMS/Autism Webinar with Kerri Rivera
24th of April 2012 - 8pm Central Time
Ustream automatically saves all recordings,
you can still watch the seminar video here:
Hi everyone!
I am really excited to announce Kerri Rivera’s first ever MMS / Autism webinar!
Join us today, April 24th at 8pm Central time on ustream:
Kerri will be discussing recent protocol developments around MMS and Autism, such as loading the dose, the baby bottle, the baking soda mix, enemas, baths, and how to handle a fever.
I will be the moderator and will do my best to get all questions that come through while we are “on the air” answered live by Kerri.
If you have a suggestion or a topic you would like discussed during this particular webinar or a future webinar please email me directly at
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
During this webinar we are also going to be gauging interest for future webinars or other possible forums.
As this is our first ever presentation like this we will only be requesting a voluntary donation, the amount will be at your discretion.
That money will go to covering any costs incurred for personnel to set up the webinar, and any other
funds raised will go to supporting Kerri's non-profit clinic Autismo2:
Kerri and I are very excited to be able to offer this webinar for learning and sharing and I look forward to receiving your questions, comments and feedback. Have a beautiful day!
And remember, 04.25.2012 8PM Central Time:
Thank you!
Ustream automatically saves all recordings,
you can still watch the seminar video here: