I hope that others have answered privately; and, that Hank is doing much better now. If he were one of my kids, I'd try (in addition to dosing him orally w/MMS1 and possibly MMS2, as well), making a poultice of NFZ (available anywhere that horse supplies are sold), DMSO, and MMS1 - applying it to the area where the tumor was located and wrapping the area w/cling wrap for about 12 hours; then, repeating as needed. (When I treated the swelling for my fur-son w/GME, I cleaned the entire area really well with calcium hypochlorite spray, first.) It might be different for a tumor; but, my doing so had some pretty miraculous results (combined w/dosing w/MMS1.) If nothing else, it might make him more comfortable and decrease his overall stress level if you can reduce the tumor size... I'd also be doing soaks with him, using either the hypochlorite or MMS1 and DMSO (in a well ventilated area.) Watch carefully for any signs of herxheimer; and, adjust what you're doing accordingly. Making him sicker by killing pathogens faster than his body can process them out won't help him; and, he might need some herbs to help his liver and kidneys to keep up.