Someone posted this on a yahoo group:
I just run across an interesting site on those that have horses on the supposedly incurable virus, African Horse sickness:
The history of using MMS:
"Few people may know that Theus Badenhorst was the first person in the world to use MMS to treat African Horse Sickness. In 2008 he had lost 3 precious horses in succession and had 2 young ones go down in the stable. He knew they were going to die. A friend brought him some powder and suggested he try it because it was known to be effective against malaria in unorthodox circles. He started to try it and couriered some down to us because he knew we were battling our first outbreak ever and had lost 6 horses in the first week of March. He also sent some to Penny Winter in Natal. Anyway Theus and Heila brought their two back from the brink of death, dosing the mixture orally, and we were also trying it on our horses. We too were seeing that it had better results than some of the other options we had tried. Theus believed he had to share the good news with other horse owners to give them the option of using this on their horses. He prepared a kit containing all the ingredients and equipment needed to orally dose horses and put it in one box for convenience. He asked for testimony from others and we were prepared to have our name mentioned as people who had used it with success. It was only when he started advertising in the media that a campaign began to put a stop to that. Articles appeared in the popular horse and farming press warning against quackery and dangerous substances. One of these was the article by Dr Gouws which appeared in the May 2009 issue of SA Horseman. It is substantively the same article which has been recycled this year and sent to vets and posted on the website of the Endurance Ride Association of South Africa. In my opinion that article was written in such a way as to mislead. People have been scared away from a substance that has been found to be beneficial to many sick horses. Sadly no viable alternative was available from mainstream medicine."
Protocols used:
"MMS, short for Miracle Mineral Supplement has been tried with much practice from human protocols of Jim Humble in Mexico. It has been adapted over the past few seasons by the many people who have now successfully used it in the treatment of AHS. Reputable horse breeders in South Africa have used this treatment on large herds – they have documented their results and have recorded phenomenal outcomes – cutting mortality in their herds to less than 10% a figure well below the national average of 77%. Below, are two approaches to treating with MMS. "