Received my Nolte whole house unit and it was successfully installed to replace my water softener. When I received the unit, as a quick test I put a drop of tap water on a clean china plate and a drop of water from a glass of water that I poured through the unit six times. After evaporation there was hardly any residue from the structured water, tap water residue was quite noticeable. Something is definitely happening! Tastes different, though I find it hard to define, smoother maybe? Took my first shower and the water did feel softer, though not as soft as it was with my water softener. But my water heater still has some minerals, I will take at least a few weeks I'm told until it is removed. So far I'm happy with the unit.
Just drank my daily maintenance dose of CDS prepared with structured water, didn't notice any difference.
Ozone....what is Afrisept?