The book you have covers some details not found in Jim's latest book (2016), but I would suggest you get the newest book to compliment the 2011 book.
Thirty seconds is the correct 'activation' time when making MMS1 and the amber color should be seen at the end of that time period. At 30 seconds, about
of the available amount of chlorine dioxide (CLO2) will have been released from MMS and the other 90% should be released by stomach acid. That means there is some residual MMS in MMS1 that may bother some people's mouth tissue when brushing their teeth with MMS1. You may be more sensitive than others.
You could try using CDS or
as a mouth wash or for teeth brushing. CDS is 100% CLO2 in distilled water and CDH contains 50% CLO2 externally and the other 50% should be released by stomach acid. Both CDS and CDH will need to diluted with purified water before use as a mouth wash & teeth brushing.