Thanks for the info Karl,
I was already adding 5ml ofMagnesium Chloride per 5 gal of distilled water ... should I substitute the 30 drops of Sodium Chlorite (SC) for the Solé water I am adding to the 5 gal of distilled water ?... or add the SC in addition to the Solé water ?
Yes, Clint,
Go ahead and add the SC and the Solé water, because you still have many beneficial minerals in the Solé water that you don't want to loose.
And funny, I've already been adding 5 drops to our Yorkie's water bowl.... I might drop back to 2-3 ... might be too much for her (she's like 3lbs)
My dog is about 10 pounds, but I still add 30 drops per gallon to his water, so that he has natural reaction to Chlorine Dioxide in his stomach.
30 drops of SC per gallon is a very small amount per each gallon of water, so it really doesn't matter.
I even did that when I had our Lab, who died last year at 14+ years of age
The vet had told me that Labs life expectancy is about 10 to 12 years, and some reach 13. So my dog made it well into 14+ years
I had also given him MMS many times ( couple of activated drops ) by spray bottle direclty in the mount. So all of that made a big difference on his life.