Please help! I have been battling a massive Colitis infection for years now and have been desperate for a cure. Antibiotics cannot knock it out, all of the other natural remedies I have obsessed over have also been unable to knock it out, and FINALLY I have found a product which works for me ( mms of course! ), but all of a sudden I have been unable to take it for the past three days, and my infection is coming back with a vengance!
I started slowly, taking a couple of drops only two or three times daily. I worked my way up until I reached the diarreah point. Here is where I went wrong though. I pushed through and worked up to 5 drops, every hour ALL DAY, and was doing the DMSO protocol at the same time. I was at this rate for a week or so. Then started to feel bad so I backed off until I figured out what was going on. Eventually I found that I had depleted my electrolytes too much. They got dangerously low to the point where I landed myself in the ER with chest pains. So I’m taking electrolyte suppliments now and since then I have been unable to pick back up with the mms at even the tiniest rate. I went all the way down to 1 drop, 8 times a day. I started to, once again, feel bad but did not have diarreah. I did kind of have loose stool, but I thought it was due to the colitis. I then took my drops down even further, all the way to only 1 drop, three times a day. A few days ago I went back to the doctor because of heart palpitations again ( low potassium electrolytes. ) It’s like now I cannot keep up and replenish my electrolytes at all while on this stuff. So I guess my questions are:
Has anyone ever heard of mms depleting nutrients from the body even when taking it at such a small rate?
I noticed my tongue was getting white while on mms with malnourishment. I already have compromised digestion because of the problem at hand and not sure I can handle much more malnourishment. It was like, while on mms I was not only losing electrolytes but nutrients as well, until I recently stopped taking mms altogether a few days ago. Except for 1 of those days I took two drips 1 time in the morning, and I ended up with very loose stool by the afternoon, so I was afraid to continue and stopped.
Anyone have any suggestions that I could try so that I can continue to take MMS? It’s the only thing that is beating this crazy infection thus far!