Also get some proteolytic systemic enzymes like zymessence,(Dr Wong,you tube),THEN take on empty stomach,THEN wait 1hour,THEN take the mms1,or mms2,with mms2,take at least 8-16 oz water depending on the concentration of the mms2,calcium hypochlorous,AND the amount.the MMS protocols you can do,and the enzymes try to do 3 times a day or more.this combination is powerful,and dissolves the cyst stage of Lyme with repeated cycles.Germany is the best in enzyme therapy and Dr Wong partnered with the best German enzyme scientist to make will increase the power of both mms1,and mms2.
Check for bartonella on peoples pharmacy which is worse than Lyme.keep doing MMS!!bartonella multiplies much faster that Lyme,so you need to do the MMS ALL the time.the veterinarians know about Bart.which I may have.good luck.