Here is a nice testimonial that appeared on a yahoo group:
My first experience with MMS was disbelief when I read about it. Dismissing it as another lost dream of hope someone was pushing, I dropped it.
Doing some research on tattoo removal, I came across MMS again. And this time I pursued its purchase and usage after reading the book which Mr. Humble kindly provides. Reading the book and using its tool, Chlorine Dioxide, correctly ended a chronic bout with the common cold virus which I have never been susceptible to in contracting.
Eliminating the virus required that I take the activated solution (yellowish) once an hour to overcome the replication rate of the virus. The dormitory environment I lived in which acted as a vehicle for the cold virus (two men got pneumonia) is presently being sanitized to prevent this occurring again this winter. Three small doses; three hours is all it usually took. A hospital working in close association with the dormitory shelter was testing for Legionaires Disease in those who reported chronic fevers and flu.
After 4 months of on again off again colds, mine stopped when I began taking the ClO2. So, speculating about my experience or creating artificial experiences to speculate on is a waste of valuable time and focus.
Of course this is a personal anecdote. But the lab tests Mr. Humble uses to verify before and after his administration of MMS confirm its positive effect on the immune system.
I lay down the word of caution to those who, working as teams, try to make themselves seem objective while subtly instilling self-doubt in those who are naturally self-reliant and most likely have healed themselves all their lives. Those who are in the habit of looking for a quick fix and need a quick scapegoat to cover their embarrassment should listen to them.
Our narcissistic Anglo-Germanic paradigm for what constitutes truth in the name of knowledge (science) is out of date. In today's world there is only one seat at the round table of culture available to it.