My friend Rod posted this testimonial in my yahoo group:
I was talking to a friend yesterday, and we had a HUGE realization. Linda has just gone through a full knee replacement. The surgery was six months ago. Her recovery was nothing short of amazing. Almost NO pain. In fact, the doc said that he was utterly shocked that she didn't request her pain meds to be refilled.
Her pastor even visited her when she got home from the hospital and remarked that if he had not known what she had just gone through, -he'd have been none the wiser!
She said that she actually had more soreness and discomfort from the PT (physical therapy) than she did the actual surgery. Her PT not only went well, -it went far quicker than what they consider normal. In fact, her therapist grinned and said that she felt she was coming there for nothing. LOL
As we were talking, I shared with her the success that I was having with the CDS, and how it had eliminated my long-time muscle and joint weakness, Then she said, "Oh my gosh, Rod, -I think that was it!" We had forgotten that she has been on Jim's MMS1 1000 protocol for several months, -well before the surgery!
We now fully believe that her extrordinary recovery, and lack of pain, -was soley the direct result of the MMS1 regimen!
As you can imagine, Linda will continue with the 1000 protocol, as she is looking at having to do the other knee replacement in April! LOL
I will keep you all informed.