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How to use MMS to cure Herpes 03 Feb 2011 18:31 #411

  • seeker
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What is the protocol to cure Herpes? I have been taking MMS for 4 weeks now. I initially took MMS 15 drops three times a day for two weeks. At the end of this period I had an outbreak and so read more information that said to take smaller doses 8 - 10 times per day. I then started taking 6 drops every hour to an hour and a half 8-10 times per day depending on how my stomach feels for the last two weeks. I know that MMS is effective at knocking out an outbreak because my outbreak scabbed over within a day on the more frequent smaller doses. During this time I took no other medication or therapy. What I am uncertain about is I have read that the virus hides in the nerve sheaths where the blood does not go. And so what can I do to get a full cure?

I was also introduced to the Beck Protocol but that involves taking colloidial silver which I read would be counteract the ability of MMS. Can or should I incorporate the Beck Protocol with MMS which consists of drinking ozonated water, using a blood pulser, magnetic pulser and consuming colloidial silver?

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Re: How to use MMS to cure Herpes 03 Feb 2011 20:27 #413

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Any deeply ingrained, chronic condition, particularly viral, can take longer course of action to enable the body to heal it. You might consider taking the smaller, hourly doses of MMS1 for up to 3 months to get deep enough into tissues to eliminate this difficult virus. Always back off if the doses are causing any detox reaction (nausea, headache, diarrhea, etc.). Chlorine dioxide penetrates deeply into tissues, including nerve sheaths.

But with any viral condition, I would also urge you to consider using MMS2/calcium hypochlorite with the MMS1. The description of Protocol 2000 with the addition of MMS2 is available at jimhumble.biz. I have had personal experience that suggests that the hypochlorous acid, that MMS2 becomes in solution in the digestive tract, is dramatically effective against viruses. It enables your white blood cells to do more work eliminating foreign particles in the body. You want to be careful starting with MMS2, just like with MMS1 - if you have anything in your system that will be quickly eliminated, a strong detox (Herxheimer) reaction may be triggered until your body becomes more detoxified.

Your careful observation of what you experience is crucial to making informed decisions about how you choose to proceed.
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Re: How to use MMS to cure Herpes 03 Feb 2011 21:13 #414

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Thank you so much for your prompt and informative reply. I have purchased some MMS2 but have yet to take any. I have read about the burps and vomiting and so I am somewhat intimidated into trying it hoping that MMS1 alone would rid me of this curse. MMS1 took me about a week before I figured out the proper dosages to prevent the nausea.

The Yahoo group MMS introduced me to the Beck Protocol and if possible I would like to supplement my MMS intake with his protocol if I could. Do you recommend people to use the Silver Pulser, Magnetic Pulser, Ozonated Water or Colloidial Silver?

Thanks Again for your response! You are an angel!

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Re: How to use MMS to cure Herpes 03 Feb 2011 21:50 #415

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I'm glad you find this of help. As far as using frequencies and "zapper" type pulses with MMS, I don't see any problem with that at all. They should work together synergistically.

Silver is another question entirely, as it's generally understood that silver neutralizes the chlorine dioxide. I suspect that if you want to use both MMS1 and silver you need to use them separately, perhaps a week of each at a time. To use MMS1 after silver, I'd recommend waiting AT LEAST a couple of days after stopping taking silver, as it's quite persistent, before starting the MMS1.

I don't think that Ozonated water is likely to be an improvement over MMS1. They're both oxidizers, but chlorine dioxide has chemical properties that make it both less dangerous, as it's a much weaker oxidizer with a lower oxygen reduction potential voltage, and more effective, as it goes more deeply into tissues (also, largely because of the low ORP, and because it's very soluble, or penetrating).

I think that there is possibly no conflicting reaction between MMS2 and silver, but I don't know for sure.
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Re: How to use MMS to cure Herpes 18 Mar 2013 11:48 #31800

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Thing I've always wondered about using colloidal silver is where do all those particles of silver end up?

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Re: How to use MMS to cure Herpes 02 Nov 2015 11:42 #50411

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Hi, i would be so happy if you could help me.
I have hsv2, i'm taken protocol 1000+ and applied in my lower spine and did douches for about 1,5 months. Then o did mms2 for about 2 weeks. I was without outbreaks for 3 minths, but today i got one, i thought i was cured, but i'm desappointed now.
I dont wanna give up. do you recommend me to restart the treatment? Should i do it again for longer? should i follow an specific diet? Do you know success cases?

Thanks a lot
Please help me.

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Re: How to use MMS to cure Herpes 02 Nov 2015 11:43 #50412

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Hi, have you succeed?

Thanks a lot

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Re: How to use MMS to cure Herpes 05 Nov 2015 09:35 #50430

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3 months sounds good! How often did you get OB before MMS. I am on way with trying reducing my OB. I was infected May 2015 and get OB quite often – I checked on the calendar that I have had a month with 3 OBs ;( Since I am taking MMS in my case CDS I didn't get full OB yet, just I feeling time to time. I purchased today MMS2 and think to add it to the cure system I elaborated for me ;)
In fact I am most interesting to hear something or for someone that after taking MMS did not get herpes anymore…

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Re: How to use MMS to cure Herpes 06 Nov 2015 17:34 #50439

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I took MMS for 1,5 months (MMS1+ - with DMSO- and douche and applying to my lower spine and did MMS 2 together for two weeks only) and did a strict diet during this period. I had one OB two weeks after starting the protocol, what is considered normal and good news (means the virus is coming to the surface of your skin and giving the chance of your immune system to kill it), then I didn’t have any other until now (just got one, 4 days ago). This one I got was very different, much weaker and healed fast, looking like the virus was weaker. I stopped taking MMS after this 1,5 months and got an OB after three months without getting any. I used to get OB every 15 days and after the one I had two weeks after starting taking the MMS I stayed 3 months without getting one, but feeling it sometimes. I decided to stop taking MMS after stopping feeling the tingles, but 1,5 months after I got an OB and concluded that I didn’t allow enough time for the MMS to do its work.
I’ve been helped by two angels that knows Jim Hamble and MMS very well and are guiding me on this journey. This week I decided to give another chance to MMS and plan to do three months (at least) of protocol 1000 plus and MMS 2. They have encouraged me a lot as they have experienced success cases. I’m very confident that I’m going to get rid of this annoying virus, just need to be disciplined and patient.

I bought the book of Anderas Kalcker about CDS, but Manuel and Mark (the ones that help me) said that MMS is stronger than CDS.
I think each body is different and we need to allow enough time for MMS to do its work and rid this virus from our body.

I really wanna rid this virus from my body for good.

Please let me know if you need anything and if you succeed.
Good luck and please share your experience.
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