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ARV,s will KILL YOU before the HIV does!!!!! 14 Oct 2011 04:40 #6353

  • ZnzMagic
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ARV stands for Anti-Retroviral.

Without getting too technical, these
drugs, of which there are many dozens, are supposed to keep the
viruses from increasing in numbers, or to at least hold their numbers
steady. In theory, they do this by poisoning the virus.

I have sitting in front of me a box containing a bottle of 60 ARV
tablets. The drugs included in this box are Lamivudine, Stavudine,
and Nevirapine. The brand name of the tablets is Nevilast. The box
also has the name of the government stamped on it, I guess to show
their approval and probably to show that they are helping to finance
these tablets. I bet you didn’t think I would give the name. I could
hope they would sue me in a court of law, as I can easily prove what I
say here.

Live Longer – 5 More Years or 49?

When the ARVs first came out, it was said that if you have HIV or
AIDS they would likely help you to live 5 years longer than if you
didn’t take them. After a few years, they began to say that these ARVs
would help you live 10 years longer. The drugs didn’t change; they are
the same. Then it was 15 years longer, then 24 years longer, and now
it is 49 years longer.

The drugs haven’t improved, they are the same. If you question the
medical doctors who prescribe these drugs about it, they say, well,
they have developed better ways of prescribing the drugs. Can you
imagine, if you get HIV/AIDS now at the age of 20, you can expect to
live to 69 years of age if you take thousands of dollars worth of ARVs
during your life? Wow, isn’t that amazing. Heck, I bet we all should
be taking them. The next logical jump in life expectancy will probably
be 100 years.


• There isn’t one single long-term test to prove even the 5 years,
much less the 49 years.
It’s only the drug company’s “say so.” They made sure not to put a
single claim on this bottle in front of me, or say it anywhere in
writing, that the drugs make you live longer. There are a few tests
that show short term benefits to some of those tested, but none that
show long-term benefits. Can you guess why no long-term tests are
ever cited?

• All the long-term tests show that people die and they are not
going to cite tests that prove people die, thus no long-term

The doctors here in this country of Africa tell the local people that if
they don’t take these terribly poisonous drugs, they will die. The
doctors have nothing to back up what they are saying except the word
of the drug company sales people. But the drug companies do not
have any literature that says these drugs make you live longer. Why
should they stick their necks out when the doctors will do it for them?
Don’t take my word for it -- check it out on the internet. Search on
Google for such tests. Call the ARV companies and ask for the tests.
See what they say. I have.

Some Quotes From ARV Packaging

I want to quote a few things on this paper that is shipped with the
bottle. Under “Warnings and Precautions” on one of the lines it says:
• “Lactic acidosis/severe hepatomegaly with steatosis, including
FATAL CASES, have been reported. [my emphasis]

Then it says:

• “A majority of these (fatal) cases have been in women.”
The words “majority have been in women,” tells us there were also
male fatalities.

Now look on down the page. After naming 20 or so different diseases
that can occur in people taking this drug, it says:

• “Severe, life-threatening skin reactions, including FATAL
CASES, have occurred in patients” (taking these drugs). [my

And then, in one other place on the front page, after naming some
more diseases that have occurred, it says,

• “Severe or life-threatening hepatotoxicity, including FATAL
fulminant hepatitis has occurred in patients treated with
Nevirapine.” [my emphasis]

On the back of the page is listed pancreatitis, hepatitis and liver
failure plus diarrhea, malaise, fatigue, headache, nausea, vomiting,
abdominal pain, neuropathy, arthraigia, myalgias, skin rash, pruritus
… and the list goes on and on for what would be a full typewritten
sheet. It includes a couple more FATAL case warnings that have
already occurred.

And yet, they have not written anywhere that this drug can give you
49 years or even 5 years more life than you would have if you don’t
take it. But the salesmen say it, and the magazine writers say it, and
the doctors say it. They don’t put it in writing because they can’t
prove it, and there are no studies proving it. But they can certainly
pay writers and doctors to give an opinion that HIV cases will live
longer with these drugs. The studies cited are such things as a group
of scientists spending months examining 43,000 HIV cases where the
patients started taking ARV drugs at different times in the progress of
their disease, and they have:

• “… come to the conclusion, and they have estimated after
examining all these HIV/AIDS cases that a 20 year old can
live to be 69 years old by taking ARVs.”

That’s just these scientists’ say so. There is no other proof. There are
no clinical trials or tests showing that, but I’ll tell you there are a lot
of local AIDS patients dying right here right now.

Can you see any possible sense in believing that this tremendously
poisonous drug that has already killed hundreds of test cases and has
given all those diseases I listed above, and another hundred diseases I
didn’t list, will enable one to live 49 years longer?

In the last 35 years that ARVs have been available, they have not been
improved. There are no tests saying any of them make you live
longer. Some of the doctors may have been duped, and others just
don’t care. But the fact is, these drugs are killing people by the
thousands in Africa and in the rest of the world. As in the world of
cancer, people step up and say, “Kill me, please Doc.”

Here is another warning that a drug company gives about its ARV.
• “Patients should be informed that KALETRA is not a cure for
HIV infection and that they may continue to develop
opportunistic infections and other complications associated
with HIV disease. The long-term effects of KALETRA are
unknown at this time.”[my emphasis]

Exploiting the Gullible

Have you ever wondered why millions of people walk into their
doctor’s office and say, “Yes, go ahead and operate, Doctor. I
understand there is less than a 3% chance that I will live 5 years after
the operation, but that is better than no chance at all.” And in the U.S.
alone, a million people do that each year without ever checking what
other options are available. In 90% of the cases you will have a 10%
chance if you do absolutely nothing.

That’s been happening for 100 years, and then along comes HIV,
created by U.S. labs and spread worldwide by WHO (World Health
Organization), and the same thing is happening. Yes, doctor, let me
take those extremely poisonous ARV drugs that have been killing
hundreds of people and keeping thousands of others sick with dozens
of different diseases, because I know that they will keep me alive for
49 more years.

How crazy is that? Well the answer is that those whose greed is so
strong that they cannot control their desire for money prey on the
gullible. They are evil beyond anything this world has ever seen

Here in Africa, the drug companies take billions from the
governments and thus from the people as well, while killing those
they are supposed to be helping. WHO has convinced all these
countries here, except for one or two, that these ARVs are beneficial.

On the other side of the coin, there are hundreds of research papers
showing that vitamins and protein and other nutrition can make a
person with HIV/AIDS live longer – that enhanced nutrition can
increase the HIV/AIDS life expectancy by many years. So if people or
doctors or clinics were to follow the actual research papers that have
been published worldwide, they would have to quit using ARVs and
give vitamins and minerals and other nutrition to HIV patients. This
would save governments a lot of money and really help some people.
Of course, we use MMS, which acts much faster and more completely
than vitamins.

Missing Test Reports

Do you get it? There are hundreds of scientifically conducted tests
proving nutrients of various kinds can make HIV patients live longer,
and there are absolutely no scientifically conducted placebo
controlled tests reported anywhere proving that ARVs increase life
expectancy even 5 years, much less 49. And yet the doctors push the
ARVs. Someone is being paid off. I wonder who.

Let me mention here that the missing test reports showing that ARVs
have caused anyone to live even 5 years longer are not the only
missing reports. Can you imagine that there is not one shred of
evidence that ARVs extend life at all? Yet billions of dollars are spent
on ARVs.

Other missing reports are scientific papers showing that there is such
a thing as HIV. A complete search of the internet and scientific
libraries brings to light no scientific papers showing the HIV virus
has been isolated.

• The fact is that no one has ever proved that an HIV virus
There are laboratories that offer a cash gift if someone can find such
reports. The world has been ripped off one more time.
Further, there are no scientific papers showing that an AIDS virus has
been isolated – because it has not.

What Causes HIV?

Well, it’s the ARVs, of course. There are 25 immune deficiency
diseases that the CDC in Atlanta (Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention) declares are now HIV diseases or that they lead to HIV
(there may be more than that now). If you have any one of them, you
are considered to have HIV and you are started on ARVs if your CD4
count (white blood cells) is below 400. If is not below 400 there is
nothing they can do for you, they say. So they wait until your CD4
count drops below 400 and then they start you on ARVs.

Gonorrhea and syphilis can lead to HIV, they say, so they start you on
ARVs. Actually, most of those immune deficiency diseases were easy
to handle in the past, before HIV, but now if you have one of them,
you are declared to have HIV. So nothing is done for you until your
CD4 count dips below 400 and at that time you are prescribed ARVs.

You are not given a choice, and thus the poisonous ARVs slowly kill
you, while the drug companies collect your insurance and other

Do you see the sequence to HIV and then to AIDS?

1) If you have any of a number of immune deficiency diseases
which were usually treatable before, now you are no longer

2) Because they claim nothing can be done for you, they simply
wait, giving you nothing, until your white blood count dips
below 400.

3) Then you are started on the ARVs.

4) The ARVs then slowly make you worse until your white blood
count dips below 200 in the U.S., or 100 in Africa.

5) Then you are declared to have full-blown AIDS.

In my opinion it is the most sinister, evil thing ever foisted on

What can MMS do about ARVs?

Well, it appears that MMS neutralizes the ARVs right in the body. We
have more than 800 people who have completed the MMS HIV/AIDS
Protocol, in other words Protocol 1000. What we have proven so far
is that in this first 800, the ARVs do not stop MMS from working. All
800 people have tossed off their health problems and are back to
normal or above normal. Heart problems are gone, cancers gone,
liver problems gone and dozens of other normally untreatable
problems gone, and they are still taking ARVs.

Out of the 800, only one or two quit taking ARVs. The doctors have
the rest convinced that they will die if they quit taking them. In all
those who have had a CD4 count done (white blood cells), the count
has gone up to at least normal. Typically, the ARVs make one feel
bad, but those taking MMS are not feeling bad.

I really hate to alert the drug companies to what we are doing, but
this is the only way I can get the information out to the world. Mostly,
the drug companies won’t believe it anyway.

MMS Neutralizes the ARVs

We don’t have the millions of dollars to prove these things, but the
evidence is pretty sure. So let’s extrapolate a little. The particular
kinds of poisons they are using are very complex. Drugs are all very
complex. These poisons don’t hold up in a very oxidative
environment. It is my opinion that MMS must be destroying the
poisons, else why would people get well and regain their health in
such a short period as three weeks while still putting tremendous
poisons in their bodies?

What holds the drugs together (or any complex molecule) is of
course, electrons. Electrons hold all the composition of matter in the
universe together. Oxidizers “steal” electrons away from molecules,
thus destroying their structure. Chlorine dioxide is an oxidizer that
itself is destroyed when it steals electrons, but it can steal more
electrons than other oxidizers in the human body.

• A molecule of chlorine dioxide can destroy up to 5 molecules
of other substances.
That is, for example, more than twice what oxygen can do, and
chlorine dioxide can penetrate much deeper into the tissues to do it.

Of course, it’s only my opinion that MMS is destroying the ARVs, but
something has to be happening, as over 800 people who were taking
both MMS and ARVs are now well and feeling good. They have had
their complaints investigated by their doctors in the local hospital.

It is agreed that they are well. We have the reports. It says on the ARV
box or the paper slip that ARVs will not correct opportunistic
diseases, yet these diseases are gone in people who take MMS.

So the next extrapolation is that I expect MMS to destroy the toxins
in vaccines, while killing the diseases that are also buried there. There
is no room here to tell you the terrible things they are doing to the
vaccines, but you can investigate it yourself if you wish. Just do an
internet search and of course read the next chapter on Vaccines.


More from Jims Book....

"""The ARV drugs that most HIV/AIDS patients are using also
do not seem to prevent MMS from working. The people get well and I
consider that amazing, as these drugs are the most poisonous thing a
person can take that does not kill him immediately.

So the thing to do is get people to stop taking the ARVs.

But that can be dangerous in some cases, as ARVs are not something you can fool
with much.

It would be best to wait until they have finished the HIV protocol or until they have been taking MMS for 4 or 5 days. At that time, they can easily stop the ARV drugs.

ARV drugs are killing a lot more people than HIV."""

Above info is from Jims Book and here below are other sources reinforcing what Jims has been saying if you would like second opinions.........

Those who are already awake to the sad fact, it all comes down to population control, our own leaders are killing us

ARV Facts Facts about Antiretroviral Drugs

"ARV" is short for antiretroviral drugs. This class of highly toxic chemicals is promoted by the drug industry to patients with HIV-infections as "life saving."

In this effort, the drug industry is using an army of lobbyists, including celebrities and even politicians, some of whom may not be aware of the scientific facts: none of these drugs has ever been shown to cure either HIV or AIDS and they are not allowed to be sold as a cure. Moreover, these toxic drugs are known to attack the immune system of patients and eventually destroy it.

This website documents extracts from the "patient information leaflets" of these drugs, as published by the drug manufacturers themselves.

Find out more about ARV damage to:

* Immune system
* Brain
* Heart
* Kidneys
* Liver
* Muscles
* Newborns

Deadly Side Effects of ARV Drugs

Personally I would never recommend ARV,s and other deadly medications offered by modern science, would highly suggest you look into fruit and salads and more fruit and salads and vegetables, nutrition is the key to health and end of disease, your body does it just with correct diet is my belief, at least you will stop poisoning yourself from your current diet if you are on anything like an American diet lets call it and ARV,s.... GO RAW!!!! EAT TO LIVE

More interesting reading....

LIBERATING AFRICA FROM PHARMACEUTICAL COLONIALISM ARV Drugs as Strategic Tools to Cement the Political and Economic Dependency of Africa and the Developing World Exposure of the Drug Multinationals’ Chemical and Psychological “War on Africa” As Key to Terminate Pharmaceutical Colonialism


Would like to take the opportunity to refresh everyone with extracts from Jim Humbles book below regarding..


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Last edit: by ZnzMagic. Reason: Added link to JH writtings on HIV-AIDS INFO

Re: ARV,s will KILL YOU before the HIV does!!!!! 14 Oct 2011 06:29 #6358

  • Nir
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I spoke to a doctor about chronic Fatigue syndrome and he told me that the drugs companies and The medical establishment are starting to say that RV drugs are helping with that syndrome.

I asked him - so now they are going to start giving RV drugs to people with chronic Fatigue syndrome ?
He said - yes.

so don't be surprised if you will see more and more people taking those drugs in the future for other things beside HIV. The drugs companies are looking for new costumers for those drugs now.
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Re: ARV,s will KILL YOU before the HIV does!!!!! 14 Oct 2011 06:49 #6360

  • Biko
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I am happy to join the house and thanks alot with the good work your doing.

Thanks Genesis 11

My question is: We are being told not to stop taking ARVs once started on, can we start this other treatment without ARVs or we still continue with it?

I have hope in my heart that there a is cure and what i pray for everyday is to be cured and when ever we go to the hospital we are told that there is no cure for HIV/AIDs so most of the people die b'coz they know that they are going to die any time. I know we all have to die but not like that.

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Re: ARV,s will KILL YOU before the HIV does!!!!! 14 Oct 2011 07:02 #6361

  • ZnzMagic
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Hi Biko,


If you have not started taking any ARV,s do not do so now.

If you have already started an ARV program it would be best to wait until you have finished the HIV protocol or until they have been taking MMS for 4 or 5 days, even after a week or 10 days is what I personally recommend.

At that time, they can easily stop the ARV drugs.

How can they find a cure when perhaps there is no virus in the first place probably and it is simply a breakdown of immune system which needs repairing by good nutrition, MMS will reboot your system and clear it of toxins, your body than heals itself, belief and diet are the keys, a good life style and you probably outlive most HIV negative people, would put my money on it.

According to well trusted sources a simple wellness program will do the trick.....

Please go over as much info as possible on the forum , will be putting up more on hygiene, health and nutrition, people are underestimating the importance of nutrition, health starts in the kitchen.


Love and Peace.....

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Last edit: by ZnzMagic. Reason: Updating Info and links

Re: ARV,s will KILL YOU before the HIV does!!!!! 14 Oct 2011 07:05 #6362

  • Biko
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I realy need your help with HIV and you know it comes up with very many other diseases. how do we start with the MMS medicine while on ARVs?
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Re: ARV,s will KILL YOU before the HIV does!!!!! 14 Oct 2011 07:14 #6363

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How do i contact you?

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Re: ARV,s will KILL YOU before the HIV does!!!!! 14 Oct 2011 07:17 #6364

  • ZnzMagic
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Simply start with MMS1- Protocol 1000

Protocol 1000: For Non-Life-Threatening conditions

* Starting with perhaps 1/2 drop per hour the first day, take a dose every hour for 8 hours a day for the course of use.
* Increase the dosage as quickly as your body tolerates it, up to a dose of 3 drops per dose.
* Always back off if you have a detox reaction, respect your body's healing process.
* Take vitamin C, we recommend at least 1000 mg., 2 hours after last dose of the day.
* For chronic conditions or with dormant viruses, a minimum course should be at least 3 weeks to a month.
* If you're not getting positive results, consider modifying the course of use.

MMS/sodium chlorite solution (aka MMS1) and MMS2/calcium hypochlorite capsules - in promoting your Wellness.

MMS Basic Protocols

General principles in using MMS: When activated, MMS gradually releases chlorine dioxide (ClO2), both in the mixed solution, and as ClO2 gas rising from the solution. When taken internally, the ClO2 is carried by the red blood cells throughout the body, where it's even carried into cells.

When ClO2 meets with pathogens or compounds with weak molecular bonds, it exchanges electrons with them, killing the pathogens and breaking up the compounds so that they can be flushed out of the body. It will not interact with healthy tissue or with aerobic bacteria such as healthy intestinal fauna.

The dead pathogens and disassembled compounds are toxic, and when large amounts of them have been released into the bloodstream they trigger symptoms, called the Herxheimer reaction, whose primary indications are headache, often severe, mild fever and sweating, nausea and vomiting, and diarrhea.

If you experience these symptoms, it means that toxins are being released faster than your body can flush them out and you need to temporarily stop or slow down the intake of MMS! So, skip a dose or two, reduce the strength of doses, or even take a break till the Herxheimer symptoms subside.

Always start gradually, and "ramp up" to your target dose. If you're sick, or have a chronic condition, it's possible to have a dramatic reaction with small amounts of MMS. Use caution.

Also, when doing a course of MMS, it's important to support your health against possible oxidative stress. It's recommended to drink 8 ounces of water after each dose of MMS to stay hydrated, and two hours AFTER the last dose of the day, take a good dose of vitamin C and any other nutrients you're using in supporting your healing process. Make sure you get healthy food, consider reducing or eliminating toxic substances. Use common sense and take responsibility for your healing.

About Activation: MMS is actually the combination of sodium chlorite solution and an activator, usually citric acid solution. When we talk about the number of drops in doses, we're talking about activated drops - based only on the drops of MMS, not the activator.

Always activate MMS in a DRY CONTAINER or the chemical reaction won't work. When using 50% citric acid solution, use 1 drop per drop of MMS, and WAIT 20 SECONDS AFTER MIXING and then add water - or water and juice. With lemon juice or vinegar (or 10% citric acid) use 5 drops per drop of MMS and WAIT 3 MINUTES AFTER MIXING before adding liquid.

Don't use orange juice or juice with added vitamin C (naturally occurring vitamin C is OK).

PROTOCOL 1000 - Effective Uses of Sacraments

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Re: ARV,s will KILL YOU before the HIV does!!!!! 14 Oct 2011 12:17 #6376

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Always a pleasure to be of help, my email is

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Re: ARV,s will KILL YOU before the HIV does!!!!! 14 Oct 2011 13:04 #6377

  • Terry
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Thanks David! I just finished reading Jim's latest book, where most of this info comes from. I do need to say that I found things a bit different in my own case with ARVs. Before I began them, my T cell count was 50 in the tests. After being on the ARVs for several months, it shot up to over 400, where it has remained.

Jim states that there is no proof that the ARVs will increase the CD4 level. I have proof that they do. Just saying. At any rate, I am starting the protocol today. Thanks so much for all you do...and this info on the ARV website. I have not seen that before.


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