, I bought some "high quality" plastic syringes on Amazon, but the seller states they are not for industrial use, even though they claim to be suitable for giving medication to pets. When I sent an inquiry to the seller, I could not get an answer as to what the high quality plastic is made of.
I bought glass pipettes, but these are graduated only by even numbers and so measuring for drops to use with DMSO could be tricky. I just tried it for the first time today and I just counted the drops instead of trying to fill them to a specific line.
What I need is a hybrid of the plastic and glass pipettes. Do you have a source for these items? Specifically for the plastic syringes that are compatible with DMSO. I'm assuming you have purchased these before, but if not I understand.
I will be using them to measure drops of DMSO. However, I'm wondering if I just fill the pipette a little bit and then count out the drops if this will be fine? I know it's not so precise, but it's certainly better than using an incompatible plastic syringe.