Hello. I've been getting used to taking 1 drop of Chlorine Dioxide with 3 drops of DMSO. I noticed when first taking, I would get headaches so I was reading on here that you need to drink more water which solved that.
Lately a couple of people in my household have had a cold for the past couple of weeks and during them being sick, I've been taking this amount on and off. I know the maintenance protocol calls for 3 days a week for 8 hours for my age and weight, but I wanted to take it slow. Amazingly I have not caught a cold and these 2 people have been coughing all over the place, so that's great for me. I want to give them some but I want to test it out more on myself and read a lot more before that.
I usually go to the doctor once a week for Men's health.and I don't know if it's a coincidence or not, but the last two times I went, on the days I have taken the 1 drop of Chlorine Dioxide and 3 drops of DMSO, my blood pressure has been higher than usual. Any ideas as to what's going on?? Thanks.