The comparison between MMS1 and CDS at 1ml of CDS is equivalent to a 3 drop dose of MMS1 is wrong. Ignore that. We are going to use CDS protocols and not MMS1 protocols.
How old is that CDS you have in your freezer? Is it frozen solid?
One of the standards used for drop size is 20 drops will fill a space of 1 milliliter. So, drop size would be 0.05 ml. 20 drops x 0.05 = 1 ml.
You will need a syringe or pipette to dispense CDS. You can buy them at a local animal feed store or online. No needles are necessary. I commonly use 1ml, 3ml and 10 or 12ml syringes.
There is a CDS book in English. Andreas Kalcker published one in 2018 called
Forbidden Health. You can get it here: I prefer the PDF version.
She needs to use CDS in enemas and douche. Here is a CDS douche protocol:
If you thaw that frozen CDS, keep it in a fridge and don't leave the cap off any longer than necessary.
By the way, I am 82 years young.